Thursday, July 5, 2007

Washington to Set Medical Marijuana Limits

Washington has proposed a law to limit the amount of marijuana permitted to patients in the United States. The medical marijuana law states that once patients suffering from "intractable pain" are approved by doctors, they may receive the 2-month substance only for medical purposes. As a result, patients have been stating how the suggested proportion of marijuana given to the people cannot be estimated because of the diversity in conditions that people have. Longtime medical marijuana users strongly do not support this bill due to their dependence on the plant in order to cease their excruciating pain from whatever disease they are going through, such as cancer, and AIDS. Others say that the medical marijuana law will help law enforcement officers regulate how much marijuana is permitted, rather than predicting whom to arrest and whom to leave alone.

The medical marijuana law is a positive approach to prevent the problem of illegal marijuana use. I support the law in the precautions of ceasing the problem of illegal marijuana consumers, but I do not believe the law should set a specific amount for the substance. As an alternative, the law should enforce patients to obtain medical examinations by authorized doctors in order to get an estimated amount of how much marijuana they may hold. Patients should have this document with them at all times, in order to clear the confusion when associated with law enforcement. This way, police officers know who to arrest, and who to leave alone when put upon this problem.


insomnia said...

I support this law because some places don't even allow marijuana for whatever reason, even if needed for medical purposes. I think this is a great idea since people would be allowed to use marijuana to ease the pain that they cannot cure with other medications. It also allows the police to know whether or not people are using them illegally or not.

EKIZA! said...

I agree with you for the most part, although i highly doubt that this bill will limit illegal use of marijuana. At the same time though, for these people with problems that require medical marijuana, i am glad they are able to recieve this, but i do think the amount should depend on the necessity of the situation.

Optimus Prime said...

This bill is an excellent idea in limiting the ammount distributed for medical marijuana, but this will not assure that the usage of marijuana will decrease. Marijuana is obtainable practically anywhere but this is a step into achieving certain limitations of using marijuana. Peoples dependency motivates people to get it any way possible and that a negative thing. But patients that need marijuana for medicinal purpose should be allowed but with a limitation. As long there are rules and regulations that would benefit the sick, im all for it.

MynameisEdGein said...

This is outrageous. Everyone is saying "yay, we can control marijuana" but have you asked yourselves WHY marijuana needs to be controlled in the first place? No, ofcourse not. First off, medical marijuana user DO have to carry a document with them verifying their condition and they ARE required to be examined by authorized doctors. This law does nothing but make it harder for suffering people to get relief. And these people aren't "dependant" on marijuana to ease their pain, it is an alternative to habit forming painkillers such as vicodin and oxycontin, both of which can be knowingly fatal. Marijuana is simply a safer, healthier, more natural alternative to the drugs being pushed by pharmacudical companies. I wouldn't be suprised if this law were influenced by bribes from the pharmaceudical companies themselvcs.
p.s. i can't spell