Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Illegal Immigrants Targeted By States

Since Congress is very incapable of passing an immigration overhaul bill, state legislatures are try to make a proposal that specifically target illegal immigrants. What this bill will include is some laws that prevent illegal immigrants from attaining jobs, a place to live, driver's license, and government services. Oklahoma state representative Randy Terrill said that illegal immigrants won't go to Oklahoma if there aren't any jobs there for them. There have been 18 states so far enacting these state laws against illegal immigrants.

I think what they are doing is the right thing. Illegal immigrants are really hurting our economy. They are taking away job opportunities for actual US citizens and getting paid a lot less. Hopefully all this will help improve our country's economy and catch all the illegal immigrants.


Nice Guy said...
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Nice Guy said...

I believe this bill will not do much to help the state get rid of illegal immigrants. The bill states that the state will prohibit the firms from hiring illegal immigrants. However, it is already illegal for the firms to hire illegal immigrants, and yet, the firms still hire them.