Thursday, July 19, 2007
Obama and Clinton slam Court on Abortion Ruling
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama critisicized recent US Supreme Court decisions as "hypocritical and inconsistant" on tuesday. He was saying a ruling that is upholding a late term abortion ban was part of a concerted effort to roll back womens rights. Fellow Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, has also been seen at conferences for abortion rights. The two leading Democrats in the 2008 presidential race courted women activists at the conference and said President George W. Bush was taking direct aim at overturning the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion. Obama said the court's 5-4 rulings to uphold the late-term abortion ban, make it harder for women to sue over pay discrimination and strike down race-based school assignment programs were part an effort "to steadily roll back the hard-won rights of American women."
"There is an inconsistency, and I believe a hypocrisy, in terms of how we see these decisions being issued," the Illinois senator said of the Supreme Court.
"When the science is inconvenient, when the facts don't match up with the ideology, they are cast aside," he said.
"At the top of the list was this effort to try to overturn Roe vs Wade or at least try to chip away at it," Clinton said, adding the Bush administration has waged war against contraception education and "set out from Day One to dismantle reproduction rights around the world."
Also appearing at the conference sponsored by the action fund of Planned Parenthood, a leading provider of reproductive services including abortion, was Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential contender John Edwards.Clinton, a New York senator, leads Democratic White House contenders six months before the first votes in the nominating race and 16 months before the November 2008 election. Polls show her with large leads among Democratic women voters. Both she and Obama said they would take a different approach in their Supreme Court appointments than Bush.
"I would appoint well-qualified judges who really respect the Constitution," Clinton said.
Obama said he would look into the heart of a potential Supreme Court nominee. "We need somebody who's got the empathy to recognize what it's like to be a young teen-aged mom," he said.
i am definatly in agreement witih the two democratic candidates in showing support for womens rights and their right to abortion. i think a women should have her own choices over her own body and she is to decide if she is or isnt ready for a baby. I think it is a good idea to get someone in office who will make sure the Roe vs. Wade ruling doesnt change.
‘It’s a Mess’ Says Mayor: City Council Addresses City's Infrastructure
I chose this article because it deals with local South Pasadena politics that affect me. It is definately time for South Pasadena to improve in their neglected areas...especially the roads. It is ridiculous the amount of potholes there are and how bumpy the roads our when I am driving. However, since this is going to cost large sums of money to get things accomplished, it should be done gradually rather than all at once. This article also goes to show that promises candidates make are sometimes never fulfilled ones. They often just want to become popular with the public to get their position.
Obama raises $32.5 million, thought to be a Democratic party record
The Obama campaign said the senator raised "at least" $31 million in the second quarter in primary money, and a total -- counting $1.5 million in general election funds -- of $32.5 million.
The amount is believed to be the highest ever raised in a quarter by a Democratic candidate, and exceeded what rival Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign predicted she would raise in the same period.
I chose this article because I knew that you should have lot of money before a presidential election but I did not know the certain amount of money that is needed. This article explains the certain amount of money that Obama raised. The money was raised from donation or other things -I don't know- but I think people should not donate for a candidate who is running for president. I hope that people donate for better cause.
Democrats gain further control of senate because of Bush's dumbassedness.
I think that the democratic party should do well this election, and hopefully show the american people what they are made of. Maybe then we can forgo hideous disasters like the Bush administration.
wanna read it?
Obama campaign pursued by Ohio Armenians
Obama-"The Fresh Face" - jane
"Including me?" the Senator asks.
A chorus of n-o-o-o-s. "Not you," the man says. "You're brand new." Obama wanders into a casual disquisition about the sluggish nature of democracy. The answer is not even remotely a standard, pretaped political response. He moves through some fairly arcane turf, talking about how political gerrymandering has led to a generation of politicians who come from safe districts where they don't have to consider the other side of the debate, which has made compromise--and therefore legislative progress--more difficult. "That's why I favored Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposal last year, a nonpartisan commission to draw the congressional-district maps in California. Too bad it lost." The crowd is keeping up with Obama, listening closely as he segues into a detailed discussion of the federal budget. Eventually, he realizes he has been filibustering and apologizes to the crowd for "making a speech." No one seems to care, since Obama is doing something pretty rare in latter-day American politics: he is respecting their intelligence. He's a liberal, but not a screechy partisan. Indeed, he seems obsessively eager to find common ground with conservatives. "It's such a relief after all the screaming you see on TV," says Chuck Sweeny, political editor of the Rockford Register Star. "Obama is reaching out. He's saying the other side isn't evil. You can't imagine how powerful a message that is for an audience like this."
This article caught my eye because I believe that Obama would be a great President of the United States. He would be a nice change, and a breath of fresh air compared to what we have been going through with out current president. Since Bush's "reign" is almost over, I hope that Obama will become our President, and in November 2008, he will have one more person and vote on his side, me.
Middle Income Donors Giving Big
I think that citizens shouldn't donate money to the candidates or should donate less. Most of the candidates are already wealthy from the first place. If they have extra cash they should just donate them to charity or for a better cause to help save people's lives.
Republicans Losing Ground in ’08 Race
I believe that the Democrats have a great chance of winning next year's presidential election. The latest poll has obviously shown us how more voters are starting to lean towars Clinton and Obama putting Giuliani and his fellow Republicans in great risk. I think that the biggest reason why the Republicans are losing so much support in recent months is mainly due to the management of the Iraq War by the Bush administration. They've been continuing to keep the U.S. troops in Iraq and have not given us a specific date of withdrawal. However, the election won't happen in months and things can still change. There is still a chance that the Republicans can bounce back.
Opportunity 08
I think this is a great idea. Since Americans want the president to have the same opinion about these types of issues that we face today, we would have a better understanding of the candidates. This would allow us to make better choices and vote for the right person.
US Actor Running for President
I think it is interesting that an actor is running to be the president. It would be even more interesting if he wins. Even though it seems like he doesn't really fit into a role of a president he seems like he has a pretty good chance of winning.
Clinton scolds Bush on aid to localities
The former first lady promised about 2,500 elected county officials attending the National Association of Counties annual convention that she and a Democratic Congress would expand the child health insurance program for 9 million uninsured children if she wins next year's election.
Clinton said that county governments have coped with 45 million Americans who have no health coverage and the president was ignoring the Americans for the last 6 1/2 years.
The campaign of Senator Hillary Clinton issued a press announcing her "Mayors Council" - a list of more than 100 present and former mayors who have endorsed her candidacy.
It is good to see how Hillary Clinton is being confident and pointing out problems that the government has to solve before the election. I believe that a President should be someone who always put US first, not oneself. I hope that a candidate who will become president does not change once he or she is elected.
Oprah Winfrey to raise money for Obama
Obama has raised more than $58 million for his White House bid. Forbes magazine estimates that Winfrey, the Chicago-based host who boasts a lot more, including a magazine, is worth $1.5 billion.
Oprah is a well-known fan of Obama. She even called him "my favorite guy" and "my choice" on CNN's "Larry King Live" last year before he announced that he would run for president.
I think that the frienship between Winfrey and Obama is nice, but I believe that a famous talk show host is unnecessary to be involved on presidential election and earning money for a candidate, not in private. Many people in the United States could get affected by what Oprah Winfrey does. It's important to be careful because some people might misunderstand their friendship in different way.
Richardson says Clinton isn't the only women's candidate
The New Mexico governor and former Clinton Cabinet member launched his Women for Richardson effort with pledges to support pay equity, back limited Social Security credit for family leave, and appoint judges who would uphold abortion rights.
Wilson endorses Clinton
Clinton has won the endorsement of Joseph Wilson, the retired diplomat whose outspoken critique of the Bush administration's march to war in Iraq led administration officials to identify his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, as a CIA operative.
The Clinton campaign took the unusual step of announcing the endorsement on a conference call with bloggers -a reflection of Wilson's popularity among the antiwar left and bloggers' fascination with the Plame Wilson case.
Looking at these articles, I feel that many candidates might have fear of Hilary Clinton. They can be divided in two ways: one way is to support Clinton and another way is to against her which is not smart in my personal opinion. Richardson said this to make against her advantage but I think that it would not work that well.
McCain warns against leaving Iraq
McCain is being a strong war supporter. McCain said backing the Democratic-sponsored measure and withdrawing would be to "declare defeat and allow Al Qaeda to obtain victory." Staying and stabilizing Iraq could help ensure the safety of Israel and the Middle East, he said, winning loud applause.
McCain said he is worried that "mismanagement of the conflict after our initial victory" in Iraq has helped strengthen US enemies.
I think that just staying Iraq does not ensure the safety of American soldiers. Too many American soldiers are dying. I think that a new president should be an anti-war governor unlike McCain.
Edwards pushes better education for poor
Edwards traveled in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans, said the tour had shown him that there were different aspects of poverty across the country.
In a radio interview, Edwards said he believed President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney had engaged in "illegal behavior," but he sidestepped a question about whether Bush should be impeached.
I am glad with what he did. But I personally think that Edwards has to take action more than just pusing; he could ignore them after he becomes President.
Antiterror aid to Mass. drops again
The department announced that Massachusetts will receive approximately $34 million in homeland security grants for first responders this fiscal year, which began last October, down from $41 million the previous fiscal year.
I am glad that they get financial support from government. I think that improvement is good but it should be equal to all states.
Galvin measure seeks to toughen rules on lobbying
Galvin filed legislation that would require the state's many registered lobbyists to provide more detailed written reports of their expenses, payments, and hours with clients.
The bill would permit the secretary's office to immediately revoke a lobbyist's license for late reports, as well as report the lobbyist to the attorney general's office for any matters requiring criminal action.
I agree with Galvin. I think that lobbying should be punished seriously because the lobbyists are people who just want to take advantage of the fact that they are rich.
Bush Is Prepared to Veto Bill to Expand Child Insurance
The vow puts Mr. Bush at odds with the Democratic majority in Congress, with a substantial number of Republican lawmakers and with many governors of both parties, who want to expand the popular program to cover some of the nation’s eight million uninsured children.
I think that President Bush made wrong decision because children are important and his action shows that he is ignoring children. I do not understand him. He was willing to grant amnesty to 20 million illegal immigrants. And yet he is not willing to expand insurance for American children?
The YouTube-ification of politics: Candidates losing control
Former Sen. George Allen, R-Virginia, knows firsthand the effect YouTube has had on politics.
That was then-Virginia Republican Sen. George Allen's controversial remark to a young campaign aide working for Allen's opponent, Democrat Jim Webb. The comment was caught on camera by the Webb aide, and was put on YouTube. It became a smash hit.
Allen was expected to cruise to re-election, but thanks in part to the YouTube video, Allen lost his seat by just a few thousand votes to Webb. His loss, along with the razor thin defeat of Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Montana -- who had his own damaging moments on YouTube -- helped swing control of the Senate to the Democrats.
Gotcha moments on YouTube, unauthorized campaign videos and hard-hitting debate questions from YouTube users are changing the political landscape. The YouTube "Macaca moment" represents a broad new challenge for candidates, but speaks to the age-old problem of how to control the message.
the internet is definitely going to affect the turnout for the 2008 elections... because now you can upload any video onto youtube and within 10 seconds there will be thousands of views.. this is going to be extremely crucial to peoples campaigns.. I really hope they dont do anything wrong infront of the camera because it may just cost them their election
Lawmakers upbeat about state budget
Earlier in the day, Democratic leaders of the Senate and Assembly canceled scheduled votes in their respective houses that would have signaled an impasse with Republicans.
It was not clear exactly what concessions the two sides had discussed behind closed doors. But after three of the leaders unexpectedly emerged for a walk around the Capitol grounds, Senate Minority Leader Dick Ackerman said Republicans had proposed an across-the-board cut of 1percent to 2percent for all state agencies as a possible way to end the 18-day budget standoff.
Republicans have been holding out for $2 billion in cuts, while Democrats want to preserve funding, especially for education and social service programs.
I definitely support the democrats on this.. if the republicans cut the $2 billion dollars then our schools will definitely not have money nor will anything else.. they should not cut funds for anything.
El Monte May Update Phone Taxes
The El Monte City Council on Tuesday approved language for a proposed ballot proposition, which would reduce the telecommunications portion of the tax to 6.5 percent, from the current 7percent. The tax would remain at 7 percent for other utilities paid in the city, including electricity, gas and water.
But the measure should not reduce the estimated $3.65 million received annually from phone bills, officials said.
The new language would allow applying the tax to new technologies like Internet phone lines, which did not exist when the tax was first approved by voters in 1997, said City Attorney E. Clarke Moseley.
The tax is already applied to cell phone bills in the city, said Deputy City Attorney Richard Padilla.
The council voted against expanding the half-percent tax reduction to utilities other than telecommunications following statements from Detective Brian Glick, a representative from the El Monte Police Officers Association.
I think that reducing phone taxes would be great for the city of El Monte because everyone in the U.S. has a home phone let alone a cell phone. And it will be good for people because they already pay for two phone bills a home and a cell and it would save them quite a bit of money over time.
Republicans Blocking Bill Might Affect Election
I think this will effect the election. People who wanted the labor union bill to pass would probably refuse to vote. I also think that this would bring up many protests and arguments.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Al-Qaeda eyes Iraq ties for U.S. attack
Al-Qaeda is using its growing strength in Pakistan and Iraq to plot attacks on U.S. soil, heightening the terror threat facing the United States over the next few years, intelligence agencies concluded in a report unveiled Tuesday.
At the same time, the intelligence analysts worry that international cooperation against terrorism will be hard to sustain as memories of Sept. 11 fade and nations’ views diverge on what the real threat is.
In the report prepared for President Bush and other top policymakers, analysts laid out a range of dangers — from al-Qaida to Lebanese Hezbollah to non-Muslim radical groups — that pose a “persistent and evolving threat” to the country over the next three years.
I think that it's depends on how it's done. If it's just fighting it would be in the tens of thousands IMO. If we were willing to withdraw then drop some monster bombs, probably a couple of nukes, then no. But you wouldn't be willing to do that. I also have feeling that our adnministration isn't on the side of the American people.
‘Volunteer’ program pads healthy perks
Massachusetts is tied for sixth nationally in the number of paid holidays for state workers with 13, including the Suffolk County-only holidays Evacuation Day and Bunker Hill Day.
Former GOP Gov. Mitt Romney, now running for president, tried unsuccessfully to abolish those two holidays and a spokesman says the 12 paid volunteer days being trumpeted by Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick are yet another taxpayer-funded giveaway.
If it's properly monitored, it amounst a generous and unbiased grant to numerous nonprofit groups, and my guess is that many church charities will benefit. I don't think many people will abuse the benefit since to do so would amount to exploiting a nonprofit. When you "volunteer", you don't get paid.
Deval seeks speedier Dig fixes: Administration puts $1.2M behind effort to fast-track repairs
I think that putting a lot of money into a tunnel leak repairs is important but I hope that the Patrick administration care not for only the tunnel but people who are in need.
Presidential campaign money gap widens
I believe that money is a main aspect in the running of presidency as it appears to be a necessity in order to be successful. There are many well qualified candidates that have dropped out of the election due to the lack of funding for their campaign, such as Jim Gilmore. The absence of money limits a candidate's ability to have a successful running. As stated in the article by veteran Democratic strategist, Bill Carrick, "Most campaigns don't lose, they just run out of money." I believe that all candidates should have equal sums of funding for their campaign, which in turn would then eliminate unfair advantages that some may have over others.
Republicans May Have to Pay the Price for the Immigration Bill
I think this will make a great impact on the 2008 elections. Since the population of Hispanics are already huge and still growing, the votes of the people will probably decline a lot.
Fire a Friend or Take the Risk
I think that President Bush will take the risk to save his friend, Gonzales. He has faced similar problems before when he nominated another member of his inner circle, White House Counsel Harriet Miers, to a seat on the Supreme Court. Miers' nomination was pulled after political support crumbled amid questions about her credentials and a dispute over whether senators should have access to internal documents she penned while working in the White House. But he still kept her in.
Clinton Backs Clinton
I applaud Hillary Clinton on her part to use Clinton's popularity or his "title" to gain funds and to have success in her campaign. Lets just hope that Bill will help her side instead of hurt it.
Kucinich Rips Edwards on Debate Remarks
"This is a serious matter and I'm calling him on it," Kucinich, an Ohio congressman, said in a telephone interview Friday. "Whispering, trying to rig an election, then denying what's going on and making excuses. It all reflects a consistent lack of integrity."
Kucinich said this after Edwards and Clinton were overheard on Thursday talking about the possibility of limiting the number of participants in the future.
Kucinich, who typically polls in the low single digits, clearly felt the slight was directed at him. All eight Democratic contenders took part in the program, including Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Mike Gravel and Kucinich.
i think that it is right for Kucinich to lash out at Edwards like he did because he has strong viewpoints and has the chance to be a strong contender. For Edwards and Clinton to say the things they did i feel is unfair because they are the front runners and to not give anyone else a chance is not right.
Divisions Over Iraq Extend to 2008 Race
"Our defeat there would be catastrophic, not just for Iraq, but for us," the Arizona senator said Wednesday. "As long as we have a chance to succeed we must try to succeed."
In a speech just after 4 a.m., Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton argued: "It is time for us to move our troops out of harm's way in the middle of the Iraqi civil war."
The two were among several White House hopefuls in the Senate who participated in a marathon debate before voting on a Democratic-led measure ordering a drawdown in forces. The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate under Senate rules.
Presidential candidates voted mostly along party lines, with McCain and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., opposing the measure, while Clinton and Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois, Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Joe Biden of Delaware supporting it. Sen. Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican flirting with a bid, sided with the Democrats.
I think that it is a very good sign on the Democrats part that they wanted to move troops out. I think everyone in this country is sick of this war and just wants it to end. I think because the democratic candidates are trying to get troops out, they will win a LOT of peoples votes.
Edwards and Obama Shift Focus to Poverty
Meanwhile, Edwards is going on an eight state poverty tour. Both of these candidates invoked democratic icon, Robert F. Kennedy, who 40 years ago in the presidential election brought attention to the poor. Edwards said during the tour he wants "America to remember what he did decades ago. i want you to join us to end the work Bobby Kennedy started." Obama alluded to Kennedy's tour and repeated a question Kennedy once said, "How can a country like this allow it?" it is evident that both candidates feel strongly about the poverty problem.
I think that it is amazing we have candidates that are bringing attention to the povery problem and i agree with Obama in his quesiton. How could we allow the things that are happening here? I am glad that they are bringing up these issues because it shows their concern for the whole nation and concern for the things that have been ignored and neglected for the past eight years.
Edwards Wife In the Spotlight!
Elizabeth Edwards is back in the spotlight, again.
The wife of the Democratic presidential hopeful from North Carolina, John Edwards, is taking the starring role in a new campaign commercial for her husband.
“You’re not going to outsmart him. He works harder than any human being that I know, always has, “ says Edwards, in the television ad now playing in the crucial early primary state of New Hampshire.
For Edwards, who’s battling cancer, it’s another moment in the spotlight. Earlier this week she fired away at Hillary Clinton, telling the on-line magazine Salon that “sometimes you feel you have to behave as a man and not talk about women’s issues. I’m sympathetic; she wants to be commander in chief. But she’s just not as vocal a women’s advocate as I want to see. John is.”
“Despite her battle with cancer, Elizabeth Edwards refuses to be a shrinking violet,” says CNN Political Editor Mark Preston. He also says “this was definitely a shot across Clinton’s bow and there’s no question Elizabeth Edwards is her husband’s biggest political asset, especially when it comes to women voters.”
The most recent CNN-Opinion Research Corporation national poll of Democratic women finds Hillary Clinton far ahead of John Edwards. The Senator from New York was the choice for president among 45 percent of the Democratic women polled June 22-24. Senator Barack Obama was second with 25 percent and Edwards far behind at 11 percent.
This is not the first time Elizabeth Edwards has gone after Clinton. Last October she compared herself to Clinton, saying “we both went to law school and married other lawyers, but after that we made other choices. I think my choices have made me happier. I think I’m more joyful than she is.” After her comments made national headlines, Edwards reached out to apologize to Clinton.
wow this is pretty intense specially the way she went off on Hilary Clinton.. but its good that candidates wives are involved.. its actually pretty interesting on what they have to say on other candidates.
McCain snaps: ‘Finished’ discussing campaign
A frustrated Sen. John McCain snapped Wednesday when asked by CNN about his troubled presidential campaign and vowed he would no longer answer questions on that topic.
“I’m not going to talk about my campaign anymore,” McCain said in a sharp tone. “I’m finished with talking about it. I’ve talked about it for two weeks. I will not discuss it or any aspect of it. Thank you.”
McCain’s patience may have been worn thin by his lack of sleep as he managed the Defense authorization bill through the wee hours of the morning.
The question that triggered McCain’s response was whether or not he was going to keep a scheduled meeting Wednesday with his congressional supporters to explain why his campaign is not in dire condition. Eileen McMenamin, the Arizona Republican’s spokeswoman, declined to elaborate whether McCain would no longer talk – ever – about his campaign or just not talk about it while in the Capitol. But she did say he remains a candidate and will be back on the trail next week – with reporters in tow.
I can definitely understand why mccain would snap.. I would be a little grouchy too if i had little sleep and I had a dozen reporters asking me questions about my campaign and how it was ruined.
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McCain looks to focus on New Hampshire
I personally think that McCain needs to set his goals higher than small house parties in New Hampshire, for numerous reasons. He needs to make sure that he gets more support from other states, and correct me if I'm wrong, but focusing on one state so much will not get him that many votes in the long run. Although his method of giving people answers to questions face to face is a great personal connect, at the same itme it doesn't go very far when you need millions of votes.
Obama Catches Up to Clinton
i think that Obama is a very strong contender in the election and i think that he is strengthening his status as a significant threat to Clinton. Plus i agree with Obamas strong believe to get troops out of Iraq.
Duncan hunter giving up House seat for shot to be Pres.
Hunter's family has been very honorable throughout the past. His father served in World War II and he served in Vietnam himself. This is why he is running for presidency because he feels so strongly about the Iraq War.
In my opinion, Hunter should have kept his seat in the House and let the not necessarily more expeirienced people run it, but the people with better finances.
Biden: We're Going to Shove Bush Veto Down His Throat
tight. i think i like this guy, although he seems a little unprofessional for the position of president.
Firefighters Blasts former New York Mayor DUN DUN DUN
I think these criticism of Rudy Giuliani will definately effect the presidential elections. Many people have lost relatives or known the people who lost their lives during the 9/11. If this word gets around that Giuliani was able to save more lives if it wasn't for him, I think that many people would go against him.
Romney spends big money
Romney is spending money like a madman and he better hope it pays off.
In my opinion i think that spending this much money is unecessary, but it shows that Romney really wants the position of presidency.
The Reverend Who Preaches to Candidates
I believe that this man is doing a good thing; he is teaching these candidates -- politicians who are perhaps unethical in their election campaigns -- morals and ethics. However, I think that the candidates may want to take the opportunity to talk to this reverend to gain the votes of his congregation, a hefty number of people. It seems quite random to take time off campaigning to listen to spiritual teachings but hopefully they can learn a thing or two about integrity and ethics.
Ron Paul emerges as GOP's unlikely rock-star candidate
I feel that a strong leader is essential for the U.S. right now, especially since we are in such a state of turmoil and distrust. Ron Paul seems to be gathering steam--even though many experienced and older people feel that his policies are a bit ridiculous--because his ideals are popular among the young generations. If Ron Paul does become a stong contender for the election, I feel that it would be a breath of fresh political air, I hope that he will become more popular so some of his ideology will rub off on the other candidates.
the presidential candidates on immigration
I basically agree with his opinion about the immigration bill. Forming corporation with Mexico is a good idea to solve immigrant problem. But in the other hand, he should concern about the other issues as well as the presidential candidate. This his speech is released on May 3. He should show more his thoughts about the politic.
Police ask voters for pay increase
I believe this is a great idea for the police officers to get a pay raise. Police officers risks their lives daily and are constantly helping to keep us safe so why not give them better pay?
McCain Slips in Money Race for '08 Election
Arizona Senator John McCain disclosed Monday that he has raised $11.2 million in the second quarter of 2007. this is significantly low considering what he raised in the first 90 days of the year. This is causing a round of staff cuts and people beginning to think his campaign is troubled. McCains campaign was meant to be up to $100 million this year but in the first 6 months, it was only at the $25 million point.another sign of McCains troubled campaign is the fact that he had $1.8 million in unpaid bills earlier this year.
"We confronted reality and we dealt with it in the best way that we could so that we could move forward," McCain campaign manager Terry Nelson said in a conference call with reporters.
Its been said that McCain has let go 50 of his staff members. He first had 150 paid employees.
McCain's quest "is certainly getting close to toast. It is browning on the edges," said political scientist Bruce Cain, director of the University of California Washington Center in the nation's capital.
In my opinion, i think that McCains financing problems are a reason to believe that these issues in his campaign could be brought up again during his presidency. I think that since he is having such trouble raising the money he needs and having to make staff cuts twice, he should not be involved in the 08 elections. These financial problems if brought into the white house could cause us an even bigger deficit than we have now....which i dont think anyone thought was possible.
D.C. endorsements may not play in Peoria
In my opnion, because Dean rudely interupted Fenty's speech that he didn't support gay marriage, that probably cost him votes. This is a warning for Obama not to the do the same.
McCain Bid '08 losing steam
in my opinion, John McCain should not have a finance law because that would have the people not express their views and opinions. i also think that McCain is not doing so well in the polls because of the things that he is doing that are causing people to get angry at him.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
He backs Clinton; her backers help him
Shortly after supporting Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack received nearly $90,000 in donations to his no longer existing presidential campaign from some of Clinton's major supporters. The donations came from Clinton fundraising programs of New York, California, Texas, and Washington, D.C. However, nothing came from Iowa, where Vilsack served his two terms as governor. Vilsack, who was not able to have enough money for the presidential campaign, withdrew from the Democratic race in February. In March he supported Clinton, and his Democratic organization is able to give her a chance of winning in Iowa six months from now. Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer said that Clinton had made it clear early "we were going to help retire the debt" but that Clinton did not receive Vilsack's support because of any offer or deal. "The Clintons and Gov. Vilsack have a long history," Singer said. "She offered to do whatever she could to help him close out his campaign." Vilsack spokeswoman Kiki McClean said the former governor "endorsed Sen. Clinton because he believes she is the best person to be president." She said "it's not surprising" that Democratic donors would back Clinton and Vilsack.
This article was able to demonstrate that even through elections, Clinton was able to support one of her candidates financially. Vilsack was not able to afford much for the campaign, so he dropped out, which I find ridiculous because money shouldn't be a problem if a person has what it takes to be a great president. But as he dropped out, she supported him without having him give her something in return. She did this due to her kindness of her heart. Vilsack knows this so out of his heart and not money, he helps her in getting Iowa's votes. He also knows that she will make a great president as well. Through this article, one is able to see that Clinton is a fair candidate that cares for others instead of being a selfish candidate that does anything to bring her other candidates down. Election is a time filled with stress and anxiety, but she is still able to help someone in need. I chose this article to see how Clinton is doing in her campaign because I am glad to see a woman step up and change history by running for presidency.
YouTube follows the campaign trail
The campaigns by the presidential candidates are now not only limited to their speeches and TV talks, but the campaigns are now extended to the use of Internet, such as YouTube. Looking back at the election of 2004, the Web Videos were not available during those days; YouTube was introduced three years ago. Therefore, in the election of 2008, the tactics of campaigning has been changed dramatically. For example, Amber Lee Ettinger, a.k.a. Obama Girl, who posted up her Web Video "I Got a Crush on Obama," has gotten more than two million hits in last three weeks. This is one of the most watched political videos this season. Some videos posted up don't have anything to do with the issues, but they are to familiarize the people with the candidates.
I believe the use of YouTube is actually beneficial to the election. Although some videos that are posted up have no relevance whatsoever with the issues of the candidates, through the use of YouTube, more people are allowed to get access to the issues of the candidates. More people are educated because of the use of YouTube. I think the benefit of using the YouTube outweighs its cost.
Poll: 'None of the above' leads GOP field
This article reveals a weakness inside the political parties. Because they are allowed to participate in the nomination process, they have essential powers in deciding who the next president may be. Although there are many ways to nominate a candidate, the Republican party is one of two dominate parties that have been winning elections for over a hundred years. The disagreements within the Republican Party reveal that within the party, differing views on issues are arising. With this differing of opinions, is a splinter party about to emerge? A new political trend may be building with the increased attentions. If the Republicans aren't careful, they may lose the 2008 election and their party's stability.
Kerry will not enter Presidential Race
If Kerry is elected there will be more room for criticism. Kerry and the democrats will be helpful to defeat Bush. Kerryhad said he will bill by his Massachusetts colleague to require Bush to seek fresh authorization to send additional troops to Iraq and I'm with him on this.
Who is the real Hilary Clinton?
But behind the scenes, Americans are deeply worried at the prospect of having Hillary (and Bill) back in the White House. While she inspires ordinary women voters, men are not so moved and she has the highest voter-disapproval ratings of any top-tier candidate in the race. She also has a big problem with left-wing feminists.
Americans might well ask who is the real Hillary Clinton? Is Hillary a liberal who has been victimised by a "vast right-wing conspiracy", or a scheming political control-freak who will stop at nothing in her bid to become the first Mrs President?
I don't think people of America should be making a big deal out of this. Try to take a look at it from her perspective, being the only female campaigning for presidency. People shouldn't classify her as a feminist just because she is a strong reperesentitive for the female gender. Heck, she's just trying to make a difference and respects her rights and authority of being a female U.S. citizen.
Loving Politicians
I think that Hillary knows what she is doing when she takes her husband with her on her campaign trail. Understanding that people know her husband, she is playing off of his popularity and enjoying the spotlight herself. She is prepared for the battle of her campaign and Bill seems to enjoy supporting her long the way. What a -now- happy couple.
Rep. Dennis Kucinich Says He Plans to Run for President in 2008
how cute!! i love dennis kucinich. i remember him from the last election, and i have always agreed with his stand points, and i think he would make a good president because he cares about the people and what is best for them. who can resist that face, really??
Jews and Evangelicals for Giuliani?
It has been researched that the Jewish community has been a significant amount of votes in recent elections and for example, it even helped elect President Bush with 25 percent Jewish voters. I think Rudy Giuliani is making an excellent effort to gain success in his campaign. I think using the emotional appeal to obtain voters interests and possibly votes, it is a good strategy and just politics. For more informations and a live video footage of his speech, visit
Hillary Clinton aims to win over doubters
I agree with Hillary Clinton because she is being smart and trying to win over the doubters. She is giving her time and convincing doubters.
Oprah to Host Obama Fundraiser
This article deals with how presidential candidates may raise their money for their campaigns. I chose this article because it was interesting that Oprah decided to help support Obama. Oprah seems like the type of person who is ready for change, like the change of having president to be a woman-Hilary Clinton or an African American-Barack Obama. However, I am surprised that Oprah believes so much in Obama when she just met him during the spring. This does not seem like a lot of time to get to know a person and truly believe this is the right person to serve as the United States President.
Monday, July 16, 2007
McCain Focuses on New Hampshire
On July 14, 2007, John McCain confidently replied, “I can out-campaign any of these guys”. After returning to
I believe that John McCain is taking the right step in focusing his attention on
First GOP Candidate Drops Out
The 57-year-old Republican and Former Virginia Governor, Jim Gilmore, has decided to drop out of the Presidential Election of 2008 due to the lack of funds in support of his campaign. Because of the failure of raising a substantial amount of money to continue his campaign, Gilmore has stated that it "has made it impractical to continue". In addition, Gilmore barely registered in polls as he states, "The reality is, we're raising money in the hundreds of thousands, and the front-runners are raising in the millions." Jim Gilmore was the first out of the 10 GOP presidential candidates to ever drop out.
I believe that money is an unreasonable factor in campaigning due to the disadvantages that it gives to others who are unable to raise enough funds for their campaign. Candidates should not be forced to drop out of the election due to their lack of money, but should have their own decisions to do so. I believe that the issue of money to campaign should not conflict with the capabilities of a qualified candidate.
Campaigns Raise Money Slower Than Spent
I realize there needs to be a lot of money in order to run a successful campaign, but money shouldn't be a factor in smaller candidates voicing their opinions. "It's unfortunate in our system that money can drive credible voices out of the race" said Crawford. There probably isn't a way to cut down the cost, but all candidates should have an equal chance.
McCain's top political strategists forced out
Several sources tell CNN that McCain met with Nelson and Weaver on Monday to discuss the campaign's direction.
"Apparently [McCain] didn't like the answers and [said] this morning he wanted changes," according to a source familiar with the internal deliberations.
Also Tuesday, Deputy Campaign Manager Reed Galen and Political Director Rob Jesmer resigned from the campaign, a campaign source told CNN.
"No one was fired and they remain good and close and loyal friends and they'll continue to help out in the campaign," McCain told reporters.
wow this sucks for McCain what is he going to do now with his campaign now that his top strategist are gone.. this is sure going to be a tough one for McCain.. the election is going to be quite interesting with all these turn of eventsObama's money puts Clinton's 'inevitable' nomination in doubt
It is very exiciting to see our first woman candidate and first African American candidate excel in the fields of fundraising and to see that they are the first runner ups of the election. In addition, it is very interesting to see candidates compete for money and attention when there aren't acutal votes are cast yet. I believe they're goal is to fundraise as much as possible to enable themselves to expand their campaign into a deeper, broader level so that the majority of the people who are qualified for voting can hear the issues and the beliefs these candidates ensure in. It all depends on how much they make and how much attention they can create.
A New Face for Politics
I felt that this article was very interesting because Obama is the first African American to run in the Presidential elections. He also has received the most donations from people and many different companies. I feel that this is a breakthrough in American politics.,1,3144703.story?page=2&cset=true&ctrack=1
Jim Gilmore quits the presidential race
He has made little impact in the opinion polls, and latest figures show his campaign funds standing at a mere $90,000. Mr Gilmore blamed his late start and the early schedule of primary elections, which will begin in the New Year. Emergency surgery for a detached retina delayed his campaigning last month.
I think that its good he dropped out of the race. he knew he had no chance to win because he isnt as popular as the other candidates and if he didnt quit he would lose and have wasted over a year in the race. Even if he had not gotten surgery he still would not be close to winning.
Rep. Hunter Joins 2008 Presidential Race
I chose this article because Hunter is a San Diego lawmaker, from the same state as I am. I believe there are many barriers and obstacles that he needs to carry in completion to his success, to gather money and his supporters. However, it’s good to see him having strong hope and motivation in effort to his goal.
Dueling Iraq Speeches in Iowa for Obama, Clinton
I chose this article because Clinton and Obama are both contenders with unusual characteristics that the former presidents didn't have. It will definitely be an amazing turn in the United States history when one of them becomes the president. I think their actions against war will bring many in favor of them.
In 2008, are voters looking for experience -- or a fresh face?
I personally believe that it is reasonable for voters to be interested in a brand new face. This would give equal chance to candidates who are not well-known or experienced. However, experience and ability of the candidate should be the most essential factor to consider for the voters, before voting for a candidate.
Theme for the week of 7/16-7/20
#1: Elections. There are presidential elections coming up in 2008. Find articles about the presidential race, Congressional races, or any other election.
#2: Local politics. Articles ideally would talk about South Pasadena politics, but feel free to deal with surrounding areas (Pasadena, Alhambra, Temple City, Los Angeles, etc.)
No repeat articles. No repeat issues.
Articles and comments must be posted by 5:00 on Thursday July 19th. NO EXCEPTIONS!! Anything posted after 5:00pm will not count. I know the tricks!! Don't cheat.
EXTRA CREDIT: After 5:00pm on Wednesday you can post/comment as much as you want for extra credit - NO LIMITS! Please do not do this until after 5:00pm Wednesday or your posts will be deleted.