Thursday, July 5, 2007

Abundant State Laws Changed

As of July 1st 2007, many states have initiated new state laws. This article ranges in topics from health to driving to immigration laws. For instance, California has banned soda on school campuses during school hours as well as put new limits on the amount of sugar and fats in school foods. Florida is also cracking down on their students, as athletes involved in baseball, football, and weightlifting are subjected to random steroid tests-- a new program the state is experimenting with. Also, Mexico has legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes, as well as Rhode Island who created a permanent medical marijuana program. All across the country, states are creating more legislation in order to protect their people. Change in the way states regulate their citizens are changing, especially in Iowa and Virginia who are now protecting gays and lesbians.

I'm amazed by the amount of legislation that states pass. I thought that the driving bill was the most recent, but I was wrong! It's amazing to see our nation in action through the decisions our states create in our own individual governments. I believe that these bills are intended to aid a better living for us citizens and not make us feel more restricted or anything. Take a look for yourself at the topics of new laws because you'll be amazed with how much states ratify.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I actually don't see the necessity in banning soda on school campuses. If students want to drink soda, they can have unlimited resources of Coco-cola, Pepsi, Sprite, etc. outside of school. Banning them on school campuses will not prevent students from drinking less soda... it will just prevent them from drinking them from the hours of 8am to 3pm.