Thursday, July 5, 2007

Bills to Raise the Pensions of Assistant U.S. Attorneys

Recently bills have been introduced to raise the retirement benefits of over 5,000 U.S. assistant attorneys. Last Wednesday a bill of this sort was introduced to Congress by Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, he and many others hope that this bill will increase the retirement benefits of U.S. assistant auttoneys to that of corrections officers and deputy marshals. Their theory is that it would "stem the loss of experienced prosecutors and improve morale."

My personal opinion on the subject is quite bland. I feel that with any job if pensions were raised it would "stem thhe loss of experienced prosecutors and improve morale." I mean who doesn't put a smile on when they know their future retirement is secure? I say if we have the money and Congress feels as if these positions deserve an increase in pensions, then give it to them.

1 comment:

MynameisEdGein said...

This is just a case of favoritism, obviously. They could do this with teachers too, which in my personal opinion [which happens to be correct] is more important. But I'm sure none of them associate with common school teachers, now do they.