Thursday, July 5, 2007

New York initiates "same-sex marriage" issue

Legalizing gay marriage has been one of the most fiercely debated issues in America. For the most part, every state has taken a stab at this controversy and have taken into account the interests of the public good. California has pursued to propose bills such as 'Proposition 22' that led to further debate on this sore subject. However on June 12, 2007, "the Democrat-led Assembly within the next two weeks is "very likely" to pass a bill that would legalize gay marriage, according to a senior lawmaker" in Albany, NY. For the gay rights advocates, approval from the Assembly of same-sex marriage would be a "symbolic victory" and would make New York the second state in the nation, after Massachusetts, to legalize gay marriage - and the first to do so through a legislative process. With the newly elected Governor of New York, Spitzer put forward a gay marriage bill, fulfilling a campaign promise. In the bill Spitzer granted, "legal recognition to these relationships can only strengthen New York's families, by extending the ability to participate in this crucial social institution to all New Yorkers." However, the Republican Senate majority leader, Joseph Bruno, has said he "does not support gay marriage and has suggested that attention toward the issue has distracted lawmakers from addressing other issues, such as the upstate economy."
Personally, i believe this is a social justice issue. It's ridiculous to suggest that allowing same-sex marriage will have a negative impact on the financial concern in New York. The subject of economy is a week arguemental subject towards this debated issue. Last time i checked, the union of two people in love, is a religious construct, that should not be classified as a political issue. The "institution of marriage" does not require the permission of the State to occur. Why has this even become a "hot" political issue?

1 comment:

Eugene Yih said...

Personally, I really don't think that same sex marriage is really that big of a deal. I also think it is unnecessary because if two men or women like each other they can just be with each other anyway so what is the point of making it official. All it will do is create controversy and discrimination against the gay couple