Friday, July 6, 2007

Floridians new self defense laws

As of Tuesday, residents of Florida are allowed to carry around guns for self defense. As the state of Florida says that any person "has the right to stand his or her ground, and meet force with force..." This allows any person in Florida to own a gun for self defense and not only keep it at their house, but bring it with them on walks and in the car or at work. This is a new state-wide strategy so that Floridians may defend themselves more often. This was passed in the Senate 94-20.

I agree with this law somewhat. It is fine for any citizen to have a gun for self defense if they are sane. I believe there first must be a background check and a psycology check by a doctor to see if that person is able to own a gun for self defense.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

New Law Requires New Mexico to Grow, Distribute Marijuana

New Mexico has a new medical marijuana law with a twist. The law not only protects medical marijuana users from prosecution but requires New Mexico to oversee a production and distribution system for the drug. The law was passed in March and was signed by Governor Bill Richardson, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Other states with medical marijuana laws are Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. The distribution and use of marijuana are illegal under federal law, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2005.

I agree with this new law in New Mexico with the marijuana. I think this law will help the states.,2933,287458,00.html

Internet Annoyances Now Federal Crimes

This law is a little more than a year old, but I'd never heard of it, so I'm hoping others will find it as interesting as I did.

In January of 2006, Bush signed into law a restriction on posting or sending e-mail messages that are "annoying" without using your real name. You're allowed to post these same messages as long as you use your true identity. This restriction is within the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act. The penalties for posting these "annoying" messages are fines and two years in prison. The major problem with this law is that is uses the word "annoying" which is subjective. What is annoying to me may not be annoying to you. This part of the bill is called "Preventing Cyberstalking". The writers of the bill hid this law inside of a bill that requested funding for the Department of Justice. It was a clever way of sliding the law under the radar. Another major problem with this law is that it is a violation of citizens' First Amendment rights. The First Amendment gives us the right to not only annoy people, but do it anonymously. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas defended this right in a 1995 case with an Ohio woman who distributed annoying pamphlets. This law does not support the limited government Bush claims to uphold and is clearly unconstitutional.

I totally agree with the author. This law is flagrantly unconstitutional and violates the right to freedom of speech and freedom of press given to us in the First Amendment. Also, I think 2 years in prison is much too high a penalty for annoying someone. Also, this law does not try to stop annoying messages, it just says you have to use your real name. So, I can still get tons and tons of spam as long as the people sending it give me their name. This law is rediculous and should be repealed.,+go+to+jail/2010-1028_3-6022491.html

If someone breaks in to MY house, you best believe I'm about to shoot him.

So there's this new law in Missouri protecting the right to KILL intruders into your home. The law states that if there is an intruder or stranger in your house, you have the right to use deadly force if you want to and you don't have to worry about being prosecuted. That's pretty tight, if I lived in Missouri, I'd leave my door open every day with a brand new widescreen liquid crystal TV in the window. It'd be like a salt lick for deer. Do you guys know what a salt lick is? It's where a hunter puts salt on the ground to attract deer, and then when the deer comes to lick the salt, he shoots it. Well, anyway, I'd leave my door open every day just for the sport of shooting burgalurs. Is that how you spell burgalurs? Hamburgalers? The law also applies to someone trying to get into your car and even into a tent if you happen to be camping. This is totally sweet.

Anyhoo, personally, I think it'd be sad if some senile person accidentally walked into the wrong house and ended up getting his head blown clean off, so this law is pretty rediculous. I mean, it's pretty much open season now, whereas before, it was only lawful to kill an intruder if it was truly necessary. So das wassup.


Arizona's New Law: Crime to Hire Illegals

Beginning in January, employers in Arizona could face having their business licenses suspended or revoked if they get caught hiring illegal immigrants.
A new law signed Monday by Governor Janet Napolitano created the state crime of hiring illegal immigrants and requires all businesses to verify the employment eligibility of workers through a federal database.It's intended to remove the economic incentive for immigrants to sneak across the border and help lessen Arizona's role as the busiest illegal gateway into the nation.
The Democratic governor said she signed the bill because the federal government has failed to overhaul the country's broken immigration policies, though she believes the new law contains flaws that should be fixed. The law should have provided exceptions for hospitals, nursing homes and power plants to prevent them from closing as a result of violations, Napolitano said.
I think that it is fair to have this law for legal labor workers, because there are many illegal employers who want to take advantages just like the U.S. citizens or legal residents. I personally do not think that one should take steps to have his or her dream or it can be anything. Last year, Napolitano vetoed an immigration bill that included employer sanctions. I believe that the reason she said this is that it would have given amnesty to employers because businesses that heed warnings to stop illegal hirings could have continued operating as if nothing happened.

Is it Fair to Track Everyone in the U.S wages?

In this article, they are trying to pass an immigration bill to collect American information. If this bill were to pass, it would make hiring anybody illegal unless both the worker and the employee complete the new registration requirements. The new registration requirements would include the employee's work history for the past five years. It would also include if he or she is a United States Citizen. The registration requirements would be electronical for all United State Citizens. When recieving a new job, employee's will have to register with the federal government and also report new data to the governement within three days of hiring the employee. An example of how difficult it would be to get a new job is if a boy next door wants to mow your lawn for money, then they would have to fill out the new registration requirements form.
I believe that this should not pass. It makes it more difficult for employees and their owners. The new registration forms seem to be very strict. Once filled out, it seems s if he government know everything about you. I believe we have the right to privacy. This bill just seems to invade everyones rights and privacy.

House OKs Bill to Stiffen Penalties for Illegal Spyware Use

Spyware is a form of software that can collect information about a person or a business and can then send it to another computer. This is usually done with out the persons consent. Although it was created so that legitamate online companies could save information on their customer's preferences, the bill was passed in order to tighten security on the illegal users of spyware. Now, if caught illegally using spyware, it is punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

I definately think this bill is a smart idea and will prove to be effective. Spyware can lead to fraud and theft, and it is definately dangerous to leave it floating around without threatening to punish the users. This way, although it will probably still happen frequently, this way people will be more aware of what they are doing and hopefully use will eventually go down.

The TEACH Act: New Roles, Rules and Responsibilitiesfor Academic

Signed by President Bush on November 2, 2002, the Technology, Education, and CopyrightHarmonization (TEACH) Act is the product of discussion and negotiation among academic institutions,publishers, library organizations and Congress. It offers many improvements over previous regulations,specifically sections 110(2) and 112(f ) of the U.S. Copyright Act. Ultimately, it is up to each academic institution to decide whether to take advantage of the new copyrightexemptions under the TEACH Act. This decision should consider both the extent of the institution’s distanceeducation programs and its ability to meet the education, compliance and technological requirements of theTEACH Act.

When I saw this becoming the Act, I thought that the TEACH Act was not neccessary at that time. However I feel that this act became one of the most important Acts now in the United States. The TEACH Act many requirements provides some much needed clarification and expansion of privileges for distance learning. Although the Act must be met when coupled with application of fair use, makes life a lot easier for distance learning providers, faculty, and students

Bills to Raise the Pensions of Assistant U.S. Attorneys

Recently bills have been introduced to raise the retirement benefits of over 5,000 U.S. assistant attorneys. Last Wednesday a bill of this sort was introduced to Congress by Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, he and many others hope that this bill will increase the retirement benefits of U.S. assistant auttoneys to that of corrections officers and deputy marshals. Their theory is that it would "stem the loss of experienced prosecutors and improve morale."

My personal opinion on the subject is quite bland. I feel that with any job if pensions were raised it would "stem thhe loss of experienced prosecutors and improve morale." I mean who doesn't put a smile on when they know their future retirement is secure? I say if we have the money and Congress feels as if these positions deserve an increase in pensions, then give it to them.

Laws Require Flags to Be Born in USA

Recently, the state of Minnesota has passed a new law requiring every American flag sold in state stores to be domestically produced. Violations are a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and 90 days in jail. Surprisingly, Minnesota is not is only state with such new regulation. In Arizona, schools and public colleges were required starting July 1 to put up a made in USA flag in every classroom from junior high up. Tennessee requires all U.S. flags bought via state contract to be made here, and similar bills are moving forward in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. These laws were recently being adopted due to the past fourth of July considering the event as the peak season for flag sales with millions of them lining parade routes and flying above back yard barbecues. The U.S. Census bureau estimates that $5.3 million worth of U.S. flags were imported from other countries in 2006, mostly from China. Most of the major domestic flag makers are privately held companies that don't release their sales figures, so it's difficult to gauge the inroads being made by foreign manufacturers.

Personally, I don't really think the laws are really necessary. Just because someone bought a flag that was made in China instead of made in USA doesn't make him less patriotic. They are all the same but made in different places. Besides, flag companies' probably prefer to produce the flags in another country for its cheap labor. Most of the major domestic flag makers are privately held companies that don't release their sales figures, so it's difficult to gauge the inroads being made by foreign manufacturers. As you can see, there has nothing to do with patriotism and the laws are just simply unnecessary.

Modern Foreign Language Class: Sign Language?

A bill was passed on June 29, 2007 that encourages sign language to be offered as a foreign language class in North Carolina's high schools, community colleges, and state university. This bill states that 33 states already recognize American Sign Language as a foreign language and that the American Sign Language is the "predominant language most commonly used by the deaf community" in America. To justify the course, the bill indicates that the American Sign Language is a fully developed language comprised of unique grammer, syntax, vocabulary. It also has cultural heritage for it is not derived from English or a simplified version of English either.

I think expanding students' foreign language knowledge and abilities is a great opportunity. However, I do not think that the American Sign Language contains enough information or materials to be considered as a foreign language course. It is incomparable to languages provided by schools such as French, Spanish, or Chinese which all include a massive vocabulary, an intense history, complicated grammar rules and an intricate culture. I think the class, while worthwhile and interesting, would not be as rigorous as the languages mentioned above and students taking American Sign Language would have an unfair advantage in their course load compared to students taking foreign languages such as the ones mentioned above.

Washington to Set Medical Marijuana Limits

Washington has proposed a law to limit the amount of marijuana permitted to patients in the United States. The medical marijuana law states that once patients suffering from "intractable pain" are approved by doctors, they may receive the 2-month substance only for medical purposes. As a result, patients have been stating how the suggested proportion of marijuana given to the people cannot be estimated because of the diversity in conditions that people have. Longtime medical marijuana users strongly do not support this bill due to their dependence on the plant in order to cease their excruciating pain from whatever disease they are going through, such as cancer, and AIDS. Others say that the medical marijuana law will help law enforcement officers regulate how much marijuana is permitted, rather than predicting whom to arrest and whom to leave alone.

The medical marijuana law is a positive approach to prevent the problem of illegal marijuana use. I support the law in the precautions of ceasing the problem of illegal marijuana consumers, but I do not believe the law should set a specific amount for the substance. As an alternative, the law should enforce patients to obtain medical examinations by authorized doctors in order to get an estimated amount of how much marijuana they may hold. Patients should have this document with them at all times, in order to clear the confusion when associated with law enforcement. This way, police officers know who to arrest, and who to leave alone when put upon this problem.

New York initiates "same-sex marriage" issue

Legalizing gay marriage has been one of the most fiercely debated issues in America. For the most part, every state has taken a stab at this controversy and have taken into account the interests of the public good. California has pursued to propose bills such as 'Proposition 22' that led to further debate on this sore subject. However on June 12, 2007, "the Democrat-led Assembly within the next two weeks is "very likely" to pass a bill that would legalize gay marriage, according to a senior lawmaker" in Albany, NY. For the gay rights advocates, approval from the Assembly of same-sex marriage would be a "symbolic victory" and would make New York the second state in the nation, after Massachusetts, to legalize gay marriage - and the first to do so through a legislative process. With the newly elected Governor of New York, Spitzer put forward a gay marriage bill, fulfilling a campaign promise. In the bill Spitzer granted, "legal recognition to these relationships can only strengthen New York's families, by extending the ability to participate in this crucial social institution to all New Yorkers." However, the Republican Senate majority leader, Joseph Bruno, has said he "does not support gay marriage and has suggested that attention toward the issue has distracted lawmakers from addressing other issues, such as the upstate economy."
Personally, i believe this is a social justice issue. It's ridiculous to suggest that allowing same-sex marriage will have a negative impact on the financial concern in New York. The subject of economy is a week arguemental subject towards this debated issue. Last time i checked, the union of two people in love, is a religious construct, that should not be classified as a political issue. The "institution of marriage" does not require the permission of the State to occur. Why has this even become a "hot" political issue?

Should Plastic Bags be Banned?

In Wales, the city put up a project a month ago that allows people to suggest new laws for the Welsh assembly to create. There were three panels chosen by the project and the 1st idea was to ban plastic bags getting 350 votes. People who had voted said that the supermarkets would like this law to pass since it costs them more to give out plastic bags. They've also stated that if this law is enforced starting in Wales, it is likely that the whole Britian then the whole Europe would be influence by this and help the environment.

I think this law would be a big impact in society because people all over the world use plastic bags on a daily bases. This law should definitely be created. I always think that plastic bags aren't necessary and is just a waste of money and just makes it worse for the environment. Often times, I see many plastic bags on the streets and if the law is passed then it would help the environment a lot.

Abundant State Laws Changed

As of July 1st 2007, many states have initiated new state laws. This article ranges in topics from health to driving to immigration laws. For instance, California has banned soda on school campuses during school hours as well as put new limits on the amount of sugar and fats in school foods. Florida is also cracking down on their students, as athletes involved in baseball, football, and weightlifting are subjected to random steroid tests-- a new program the state is experimenting with. Also, Mexico has legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes, as well as Rhode Island who created a permanent medical marijuana program. All across the country, states are creating more legislation in order to protect their people. Change in the way states regulate their citizens are changing, especially in Iowa and Virginia who are now protecting gays and lesbians.

I'm amazed by the amount of legislation that states pass. I thought that the driving bill was the most recent, but I was wrong! It's amazing to see our nation in action through the decisions our states create in our own individual governments. I believe that these bills are intended to aid a better living for us citizens and not make us feel more restricted or anything. Take a look for yourself at the topics of new laws because you'll be amazed with how much states ratify.

Indiana Beer Keg Law

A law was enacted this monday this week in Indiana to help Indiana beer distributors. In the past, beer kegs owned by various beer distributors have been constantly stolen by thieves of the scrap market. Thieves are able to then sell the beer keg for 5 times the original price and gain profit from it. Liquor retailers are charged about 10-15 dollars per keg deposit to the distributors, the same amount to there customers, but with the missing kegs, brewerys will ask distributors to pay up to 9 times more then the original amount. To assure this shall be prevented in the state of Indiana, Indiana legislature passed a law that took into effect on Monday that makes it illegal for scrap market dealers to buy kegs with the name of a brewery. "If someone brings a scrap dealer a keg, they stole it," said Marc Carmicheal, president of the Indianopolis-based Indiana Beverage Alliance. Last year, 2804 kegs were stolen or lost throughout the Indiana based Beverage companies losing around 400,000 dollars. This is just an effort to prevent any more stealings, but is not a definite solution.

I like this bill that has been passed by the state of Indiana. It is a valiant effort to stop the stealing of kegs. People have the right to make a living, and it should not be interrupted by some thieves. With this bill being passed we can help assure the safety and the success of the people in the Indiana beverage business. Possibly this effort by Indiana will help influence other states to pass similar laws to stop the thieving of beer kegs and other beverage kegs. For more information on this topic, please visit,2933,288129,00.html.

Law against Drunk Boating

Due to the increasing amount of boating accidents that were the cause of drinking, the law that a person cannot operate a boat with the alcohol concentration of 8% or more, is going to be enforced. The agency lost funding and cut back on patrols, but the arrests increased to 60 within a year. After 8 p.m. until the early morning hours, is ther period where most drunken boaters go unchecked. However, in 2005, after patroling during that period, 55 drunken boaters were arrested which was triple the number of arrests in the last 3 years.

The law is important to be enforced because this issue is crucial to the safety of the citiznes. The number of accidents boating accidents have caused has incrased so dramatically. Even though it is argued that the sun and the water doesn't impair a drunken person's driving ability on a boat, the instability caused from alcohol impairs one's ability to function correctly and practice safe boat driving skills.

Arizona Governor Signs Law Making It Crime to Hire Illegals

A new law was signed on Monday by Arizona governor Janet Napolitano that made it a crime to hire illegal immigrants and requires all businesses to verfity employment eligibility of workers through a federal database. Napolitano is a fierce fighter against illegal immigration and has even vetoed an immigration bill last year that would've given employers amnesty if they heeded the warnings to stop hiring illegal immigrants. In other words, businesses would not have been closed. Beginning in January of 2008, this new bill is hoped to remove the immigrants' incentives to sneak across the border. Napolitano hopes to remove Arizona's reputation as one of the busiest illegal gateways into the nation. If a business is caught wil only one illegal immigrant, the business is subject to foreclosure; hospitals, nursing homes, and power plants are not exempt from this bill.

I disagree with this bill. This would put an enormous dent into our economy. While a good bill ideally, there is no possible way this bill can be put into effect so late into the immigration splurge. Too many illegal immigrants are here that to close all businesses because they've hired just a single illegal immigrant would mean massive numbers of our businesses would close; many of our farms would close. At the very least, public service businesses should be made exceptions to this bill, especially hospitals. This bill is a horrible attempt to curb illegal immigration. Instead of stopping the flow, it will destroy our nation from the inside.

the link for the below blog,1,6309875.story
I also chose this article because I really do care for these animals. I also believe that we can find a way to help these animals instead of killing them.

Tancredo rides high on immigration,1,6226148.story

Tom Tancredo, a senator from Colorado, proposed a bill that was collasped. The bill states that illegal immigrants should all be sent back and there should be stronger enforcement to prevent illegal immigrants from keep crossing the lines. To be more specific, the bill asked for stronger fence along the borders with Canada and Mexico, asked for hitting employers with massive fines for those who accept illegal immigrants into their workplace. Also, the bill wants to bring criminal charges to mayors and council members who prevent the employees from encountering the federal immigrant agencies.

I agree with Tancredo that there should be stronger enforcement that deals with the illegal immigration. The fences that exist now between Mexico and the U.S. is designed so that the illegal iimigrants could climb it and acome over to the U.S. easily. It is true that the illegal immigrants are a big factor to the American economy, but I believe we could find a solution to this not doing illegal acts. An example would be to mitigate the procedures required to come to the U.S., so that there would be a lot of legal immigrants who will supersede the jobs that illegal immigrants were doing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Finding a Solution to not kill the Abandoned Animals

This article starts off with the question, "Why do people give up their pets?".This was asked by Scott Sorrentino, who is a president of the Rescue & Humane Alliance-Los Angeles. Some of the answers he got were people moving or animal's behavior problems, but the first reason was the animals would be too sick or too old. Then he gives a story about his encounter with a woman. She had to give up her elderly cat because she did not have the money for veterinary care. He feels that there is a need of having some kind of a fund that helps people who can't afford vet care to get no-cost or low-cost vet care.It's also stated that at the shelter, they are killing 18,000 animals that speaks to the importance of AB 1634, of the California Healthy Pets Act, which is before the Legislature now. The law would require neutering and spaying of all pets. The Healthy Pets Act has made it through the Assembly and waiting for Senate to give its approval.

In my opinion, I feel that it is cruel to neuter and spay these poor animals. Yes, it is difficult to find homes for them and more and more animals are pouring into these shelters. Yes, the animals may be in horrible conditions. But still, there should be no need of animals being slaughtered because it is not a reasonable solution.They should not pass this law, and pet rescuers and L.A. city officials should continue to discuss ways toward a 'no-kill' policy. Yes, it won't be easy but think about all the animals we can save today!

Illegal Immigrants Targeted By States

Since Congress is very incapable of passing an immigration overhaul bill, state legislatures are try to make a proposal that specifically target illegal immigrants. What this bill will include is some laws that prevent illegal immigrants from attaining jobs, a place to live, driver's license, and government services. Oklahoma state representative Randy Terrill said that illegal immigrants won't go to Oklahoma if there aren't any jobs there for them. There have been 18 states so far enacting these state laws against illegal immigrants.

I think what they are doing is the right thing. Illegal immigrants are really hurting our economy. They are taking away job opportunities for actual US citizens and getting paid a lot less. Hopefully all this will help improve our country's economy and catch all the illegal immigrants.

English Responds to Failure of Senate Immigration Bill

On June 28, 2007, the Senate failed to collect enough votes to advance immigration legislation (S. 1639). This immigration bill would grant legal status to 12 million illegal immigrants in the US. There are many reasons why this bill should be passed. But there are also many reasons why it shouldn't be passed. American illegal immigrants are one of the key factors to American economy. However, some argue that with the legal status they will be granted with this bill, they will take away jobs from a large number of current Americans. Giving support to the Senate's decision, U.S. Rep. Phil English said, "The architecture of the Senate’s immigration bill was flawed from the very beginning. Today’s Senate vote reflects the strong sentiment of Americans across the country who will not support an immigration plan that encourages amnesty and embraces a guest worker program that would take jobs away from willing American workers."

Personally, I do not agree with the Senate's decision. The US is a country made up of immigrants. This country was started by the immigrants, built up by immigrants, and it is thriving because of the immigrants. Without them, our economy will stop flourishing shortly.

link :

Iraq oil legislation advances

Legislation to manage Iraq's oil industry won Cabinet approval Tuesday and could go before the parliament for ratification within days, but political wrangling raised the possibility of delays in passing the long-stalled measure.

The legislation is the less controversial of two measures covering Iraq's oil wealth. The second measure would set up the mechanism for ensuring that oil profits are distributed properly. It still requires passage by the Cabinet, which is expected to consider it this week, government spokesman Ali Dabbagh said.

The reform of Iraq's oil industry is considered the most important of several benchmarks that Washington says are crucial to proving that Iraqi politicians can overcome religious and sectarian divisions to pass laws beneficial to all Iraqis. With the parliament due to begin its monthlong recess at the end of this month and U.S. officials scheduled to present an Iraq progress report to Congress in September, time is running short for the measure to become law.

I think that if the U.S. Legislation manages the Iraq oil industry would intense tension between the U.S and Iraq. Though this would greatly help the U.S. economy I believe this would fuel many more terrorist attacks and will cause the war to last much longer

Lawmakers fail to pass state budget

(note from author: I didn't realize someone else already used this article...but I would like y'all to read my post anyways and comment on whoever wrote it first. Feel free to read my other post too! Thank you!)

At a standstill since Friday June 29, the Republican and Democratic parties in California have been unable to pass the state budget bill. They are unsure as how to deal with cuts in public transportation and social services, as well as the problem of the state's debt repayment. Although lawmakers have approved a $140 billion budget, the Republicans are ardently fighting the approvement of the budget because they say it is $2 billion over what they would like to see Califronia spend. The Democrats have compromised by cutting $1 billion without raising taxes or creating new social programs. However, the Republicans have increased their voices and Governor Schwarzenegger is contemplating cutting $1.3 billion from public transit to meet the Republican's demands. The chairman of the budget subcommittee has proposed using funds from Proposition 42 to fund public transits and use less money for freeways and local governments; the Republicans are also against this. If the budget is not completed soon and persists into the end of July, California will be unable to meet its financial obligations. This might affect elected officials' salaries, payments to vendors and contractors, payments to school districts, and some payments to community colleges.

I chose this article because it affects us directly. This article clearly shows an inability to compromise. The Republicans are unwilling to support the bill if the Democrats do not find a way to cut $2 billion from the budget. Despite their efforts, the Democrats were not able to fix the situation and California has failed to meet the deadline. The failure of the state to meet the constitutional deadline harms our school district because we will not receive our funds. Our school is cutting costs as it is and our classroom sizes are bulging beyond the maximum allocated number for students, which I presume is 28 for our school. (The range is from 25-30.) I think that the Republicans need to figure out a way to cut costs since they are the ones unwilling to pass the bill, instead of waiting on the Democrats to find a solution. However, I can't formulate a solution myself. I realize how hard it is to pass a bill and I pity the poor politicians who must.

Virginia, the home of the $3,000 traffic ticket

Since July 1st, Virginia officially began fining its bad drivers for outrageous amounts of money because of its lack of funds for its new road projects. They have enacted several new penalties ranging from $750 to $3000 that are expected to raise $65 million a year. One example of the state's new civil penalty is: "for going 20 mph over the speed limit, [the penalty] will be $1,050, plus $61 in court costs and a fine that is typically about $200."
I personally disagree with Virginia's strategy to raise money for its road projects. I feel that these new laws will undoubtedly create many financial problems for many of its citizens, which would be going against the purpose that a state government is supposed to serve. A state government is supposed to be a local authority that can make laws to ensure the best interests of its citizens in its specific region. And these laws will do nothing to help the people living in Virginia. I feel that Virginia should find a better way to fund its services.

U.S. Judges Back Assisted Suicide

Last year, January 17, 2007 - the US Supreme Court passed a law allowing doctors in the state of Oregon to assist, help il patients to die. Justices voted 6 - 3 back on the law, which the doctors were stated they have assited at least 208 suicides in the past. The other states may pass this law like Oregon's, which is the only state who passed this law. Many wondered how the Chief Justice would vote. People expected him to oppose the law because he was a Roman Catholic which would cleary violate his moral values. Yet, some believed he would approve this law because of a state has the right to govern its own rights and laws. Oregon passed this law on 1997 state referendum. "Under the Death with Dignity Act, a patient must have less than six months to live, must be deemed by two doctors as mentally fit to make the decision, and must present one written and two oral demands over a certain period" (Article).

Although, the law might violate the majority of the people's ethics, if one is suffering in so much pain that it is undurable and plus - when one knows that they have no chance of recovering but just suffer under those painful, cruel, vain circumtances of illness, I believe they should have the right to decide for their own death. Yes, it might violate our moral values, yet just letting those patients suffer such pain is immoral and inhumane. Doctors should be able to help the patients out by letting them go. In this case, its helping the patients from servere pain. However, under certain limits, this law should be performed and it should be passed in other states as well.

Senate passes "No Child Left Behind"

On December 18, 2001, the Senate had approved the bill called "No Child Left Behind" in an 87 to 10 approval. Having passed the House of Representatives the previous week, the bill is now waiting for President Bush to sign it. Fortunately, the President has full intention in passing it, in order to follow his course for school reform. The bill grants $26.5 billion for education and demands state tests for students in the third to eighth grade to measure each school’s accountability. The bill’s aim is to integrate a wealthy student’s education with a poor student’s and the education of whites with minorities. Though critics say that this bill may fail in drawing the potential of a student’s academic performance, our schools are in need of attention and this bill fits perfectly. Just as Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Kentucky says, "…there's no doubt that the legislation represents a definite improvement over current law."

I believe that President Bush is on the right path by intending to pass “No Child Left Behind”, however, the bill may be a bit naïve. The bill almost ensures development, but rarely those a child do something without any motivation. Knowing that a test is not for them, but a test for the school, the student’s determination to pass immediately disappears and therefore may have no effect. But having these proficiency tests are better than nothing and therefore it becomes essential. “No Child Left Behind’s” effort to test the schools is the perfect idea, as schools establish the basics and fundamentals children need in the future. Already looking for the future, passing this bill shows a great deal of promise and almost guarantees success.

Laws Passed Requiring Flags to Be Made in U.S.A.

Many states have now implemented new laws will make every flag made in the United States only. Minnesota has made the strongest move in that there will be a fine, up to $1,000 or 90 days in jail. Starting on July 1, Arizona will require all classrooms to have a made-in-usa flag. Other states like Tennessee, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are starting to incorporate similiar rules. It is estimated that the United States spends $5.3 million on foreign produced flags every year.

I don't really see a difference if it is made in the United States or a foreign country. I feel that it is the meaning behind the flag that counts and not its origin. It can also hurt other countries' economy and would be disrespectful. "The U.S. government can't treat foreign products less favorably than those produced within its boundaries" said Peter Morici.

On the other hand, people say that American people should make American flags and not be degraded by low quality flags made elsewhere.
"That flag should be made throughout the world because it is our message to the world that there is hope for freedom and justice," Republican Rep. Dan Severson said at the time.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Lawmaker Aims To Block Any Change To Talk Radio Rules

Republican Mike Pence from Indiana developed a bill that prevents to revisit the Fairness Doctrine which was revoked in 1985. This revisiting can be done through the president or the Federal Communications Commission. Fairness Doctrine is the FCC regulation of radio broadcasts that asked for balancing of both sides’ perspectives and views regarding the matter being argued. Those who agree on preventing this doctrine say the government control will be exceeding when the doctrine comes to life. Those who desire the Fairness Doctrine say that giving the people equal points of view provides sufficient information in their decision making and it will result with equality for both sides of the argument.

I chose this article because it was interesting that there was such a regulation regarding radio broadcasts. I think the Fairness Doctrine should be revisited because I feel that it is unfair for one side to straightly state their views and benefits through the radio without sharing the beliefs of the other group. I certainly agree with the opinion that giving equal amount of points will offer more intellectual decisions for the listeners regarding the topic. This might change the listeners’ ideas of what might be right.

Scarlet Letters for Predators in Ohio link to article!

Scarlet Letters for Predators in Ohio

Democratic Representative Michael DeBose and Republican Senator Kevin Coughlin introduced a bill that would require "all habitual and child-oriented sex offender to display easy-to-spot plates." In Ohio sexual predators would be required to have fluorescent green license plates. Ohio actually proposed to require pink plates for sex offenders, but this was not successful. Some states make it mandatory for a designation to be on the sex offenders' license plate, but other than that no state has tried something similar. Some criticize the bill saying children may think that anybody without the special green plates were safe to approach. Others argue the plates would give parents and children the message to beware. The bill is the latest in a series of laws Ohio has passed to prevent sex crimes against children.

The reason I chose this bill was because it seems so wrong for this type of bill to actually become a law. If this bill were to become a law it would probably ruin many people's reputation by being labeled as a sex offender. The sex offenders will face possible discrimination and constantly be judged for their wrong doing. I know sex offenders have committed crimes, but I feel like they deserve a little privacy. What about the other people who have commited crimes and maybe even murdered someone? These people aren't dangerous but sex offenders are? Sometimes there are special license plates to signify that you are part of the government but this label does not necessarily come with the negativity. Having something negative on your license plate seems almost as bad as being labeled "Sex Offender" across your forehead.

New York City Passes Trans Fat Ban

Just three years ago, New York banned smoking in restaurants. Now New York has become the first city in the United States to ban trans fats in restaurants. Health officials voted to outlaw something they believe is almost as harmful as smoking. Trans fats are not good for people's health because they may help cause heart disease by increasing bad cholesterol and decreasing good cholesterol. The average American eats about 4.7 pounds of trans fats each year. The law was passed unanimously by the Board of Health. By July 2007, restaurants will be restricted from using almost all types of frying oils that has artificial trans fats. A year from then, in July 2008, restaurants will not be allowed to have any artificial trans fat in all their foods. One example of a trans fat is hydrogenated vegetable oil, that is often used in frying and baking. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants are concerned that the tastes will be altered by using substitutes in their recipes and that they may have trouble convincing customers that the products are just as tasty. Also, consumer taste tests and extensive research takes time. New York's change to ban trans fats has been applauded by health and medical groups. However, the American Heart association fears that "if restaurants are not given ample time to make the switch, they could end up reverting to ingredients high in saturated fat, like palm oil.

I chose this article because I have considered maybe opening a restaurant in the future. This article interests me by bringing up the debate on whether it is your choice to decide to eat food that clogs your arteries at restaurants, or if its the government's choice to enforce this as a law to attempt to better your health. Imagine if this was a law for restaurants in South Pasadena. I understand that the law is trying to help people by causing the restaurants to use substitutes that aren't as dangerous to one's health. However, restaurants want to make profit and I honestly don't think they are very concerned with their consumers health. They may find substitutes, but these substitutes may be even worse that the trans fats.

South Dakota House OKs Bill to Ban Nearly All Abortions

South Dakota House permitted the bill, which said to ban and illegalize the abortion. With an exception of saving women’s life, rape and incest will not be tolerated to allow abortion. The 1973 Roe vs. Wade case will be altered through this bill. Governor Mike Rounds of South Dakota stated that he would sign the bill due to his position in pro-life. Those who want this bill to be passed are donating considerable money for the debate, while those who are against it are arguing for women’s choices and freedom, in which abortion is necessary in developing the society.

I chose this article simply by finding it first regarding the topic given. I’m interested in this topic because I understand the beliefs from both sides. I understand that “innocent blood should not be shed.” However, I feel that if a woman was raped with complete innocence, it is extremely unfair for her to carry numerous burdens that follow for the rest of her life.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Lawmakers fail to pass state budget

Lawmakers once again, did not approve a state budget. Republican and Democratic lawmakers were once again, stuck on many key issues, including cuts to social services, public transportation and early repayment of state debt. Republicans voted against a $140 billion budgt that they say was not balanced. The Democrats claimed that they had produced an equally balanced budget by cutting at least $1 billion beyond what they originally wanted without raising taxes, creating new social programs, and keeping the Governors $2.1 billion reserve eligible while still restoring welfare funding for children, elderly, blind and disabled.

I believe that the lawmakers should have passed this budget. It seems to me that this budget is a good idea because it will limit the careless spending of our state's money and it is still doing good to our state by restoring welfare funding for children, elderly, blind and disabled.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Theme for this week: 7/2 - 7/6

Since we are talking about Congress in Unit 2 I would like your posts this week to focus on the creation of laws. Laws are constantly being created at many different levels: national, state, local, etc. Your articles should talk about laws that have been passed, are in the process of changing from a bill to a law, or are just being discussed as a possible bill.

However, the rules are changing just a little. From this point forward, you may not use an article that has been used by another student. You may not use an article that deals with the same issue/story as another student. I want to see a variety of ideas this week.

Also, because of the day off in the middle of the week, you need to have articles and comments done by 5pm on Thursday. You can take Wednesday off more or less.

Finally, please look again at my sample article to make sure that you are doing the blog correctly. You may lose points for not following directions.

See you in class.

Here's something fun to watch if you want: