Tuesday, July 3, 2007

South Dakota House OKs Bill to Ban Nearly All Abortions

South Dakota House permitted the bill, which said to ban and illegalize the abortion. With an exception of saving women’s life, rape and incest will not be tolerated to allow abortion. The 1973 Roe vs. Wade case will be altered through this bill. Governor Mike Rounds of South Dakota stated that he would sign the bill due to his position in pro-life. Those who want this bill to be passed are donating considerable money for the debate, while those who are against it are arguing for women’s choices and freedom, in which abortion is necessary in developing the society.

I chose this article simply by finding it first regarding the topic given. I’m interested in this topic because I understand the beliefs from both sides. I understand that “innocent blood should not be shed.” However, I feel that if a woman was raped with complete innocence, it is extremely unfair for her to carry numerous burdens that follow for the rest of her life.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I believe abortion should be legalized. Saving a woman's life and for the baby, sometimes it is better to stop everything in the beginning. Pregnacy caused by rape - the thought stays with a woman forever and burdening them with a huge commitment & responsibility is unfair.

Barricade said...

i think this is extremely stupid of the government to do this because a woman should have the choice of whether if they want to keep the child or not

Sek-C said...

I think abortion should be illegal, but just allowing one exception. Although some argue that women have the choice with their children, I believe abortion should only be allowed when a woman's pregnancy was caused by a rape.

shawtyy said...

I am in total support of this bill. I myself believe that abortion should be banned and illegalized because of my stance in pro-life. I believe that everyone should have a chance to live. It is true that women should have the right to do abortion or not, but the women should make a reasonable decision here because due to their choices, they have brought new life into this earth. The women are held responsible for their baby. The bill does include the women to have the right to do abortion if they were were raped or their life is in danger or incest. This will be able to take away the burdens that women have from getting raped or etc.

ching said...

The issue of abortion remains a bill that is reserved for states to determine whether to ban or not. Because South Dakota passed the bill banning abortion, the majority of the state must support the idea that abortion is immoral. If a citizen of South Dakota really wants an abortion that bad, she could travel to a nearby state that allows abortion and get one there.

katieannkwok said...
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katieannkwok said...

I completely support this bill in illegalizing abortion in South Dakota. It is simply wrong to take away another's life for the benefit of your own. Embryos, being possible lives, are terminated through the action of Abortion. Wheither produced through rape, or not, a child is a child and we should not take their opportunities in life away.