Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Senate passes "No Child Left Behind"

On December 18, 2001, the Senate had approved the bill called "No Child Left Behind" in an 87 to 10 approval. Having passed the House of Representatives the previous week, the bill is now waiting for President Bush to sign it. Fortunately, the President has full intention in passing it, in order to follow his course for school reform. The bill grants $26.5 billion for education and demands state tests for students in the third to eighth grade to measure each school’s accountability. The bill’s aim is to integrate a wealthy student’s education with a poor student’s and the education of whites with minorities. Though critics say that this bill may fail in drawing the potential of a student’s academic performance, our schools are in need of attention and this bill fits perfectly. Just as Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Kentucky says, "…there's no doubt that the legislation represents a definite improvement over current law."

I believe that President Bush is on the right path by intending to pass “No Child Left Behind”, however, the bill may be a bit naïve. The bill almost ensures development, but rarely those a child do something without any motivation. Knowing that a test is not for them, but a test for the school, the student’s determination to pass immediately disappears and therefore may have no effect. But having these proficiency tests are better than nothing and therefore it becomes essential. “No Child Left Behind’s” effort to test the schools is the perfect idea, as schools establish the basics and fundamentals children need in the future. Already looking for the future, passing this bill shows a great deal of promise and almost guarantees success.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Not only this bill will promises a great deal of success for our future students but it will help schools improve their education system. Schools would need to keep such standard to help the students pass this "No Child Left Behind" proficienty test.

Sek-C said...

I think this bill is an excellent idea for the basis of American education. I strongly support this bill for its ideas. However, I am with Eugene on the thought that the bill might be a bit naive, for its lack of the ability to motivate the students.

Nice Guy said...
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Nice Guy said...

I agree that this bill is beneficial to America. Although like Steve and Eugene said that this will not provide enough motivation for the students, this will be a start to the better future for the students. This bill will enable the government to figure out if all schools are doing their duty.

courtnaaayyy said...

I feel that this bill is a great idea. It will help kids get motivated.In the future this seems like it will help kids get a great education.