Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Laws Passed Requiring Flags to Be Made in U.S.A.

Many states have now implemented new laws will make every flag made in the United States only. Minnesota has made the strongest move in that there will be a fine, up to $1,000 or 90 days in jail. Starting on July 1, Arizona will require all classrooms to have a made-in-usa flag. Other states like Tennessee, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are starting to incorporate similiar rules. It is estimated that the United States spends $5.3 million on foreign produced flags every year.

I don't really see a difference if it is made in the United States or a foreign country. I feel that it is the meaning behind the flag that counts and not its origin. It can also hurt other countries' economy and would be disrespectful. "The U.S. government can't treat foreign products less favorably than those produced within its boundaries" said Peter Morici.

On the other hand, people say that American people should make American flags and not be degraded by low quality flags made elsewhere.
"That flag should be made throughout the world because it is our message to the world that there is hope for freedom and justice," Republican Rep. Dan Severson said at the time.


Trinity said...
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Trinity said...

The law somewhat shows patriotism, but I agree with you with the fact that the origin doesn't matter and the meaning is much more significant. I feel bad for some foreign companies producing these flags.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree. I don't see the difference between a flag that is made in the United States and a flag that is made in a foreign country. The only important factor is the meaning of the flag and it's orign is not significant in any matter. Not only hurts the other country's economy but it shows ignorance.

Sek-C said...

I personally think this is a stupid law. What is the difference between a flag made in US and a flag made in another country? This law does show some kind of patriotism, but it also shows illogical and unreasonable thoughts of the US.

Barricade said...

anyways i find this topic really interesting because i guess it would make sense for a flag to made in the U.S. because it is patriotic and it does support your own country.. i would like to see how the other states react to this

gumonyourseat said...

This law is so strange. It's just another attempt by the federal government to raise money. It's not for our country's self-sufficiency and it's not for our benefit. Most likely, the U.S. citizens will actually buy less flags. I see many U.S. flags with tags like "made in china"; this means it costs less. I hope this law doesn't negatively affect the child laborers. Obviously, I'm against child labor but I also know that if we prevent them from making their products because they have no where to export them, then the child will get fired and they won't make any money to sustain their families.

ching said...

I believe this issue is a matter of patriotism and pride. Since the image of the American flag belongs to the United States, the United States has the right to ban the making of flags in foreign countries. There virtually is no difference in the quality of the flags made in foreign countries and flags made in America. However in resepct of the symbol of America, this issue is a matter of pride.

butterfly said...

The meaning of the law is good but this law is not neccessary, because people would not care if a flag is made in somewhere;it's going to be same. I think that we should thank foreign country if they make our flags a lot.