Thursday, July 5, 2007

Law against Drunk Boating

Due to the increasing amount of boating accidents that were the cause of drinking, the law that a person cannot operate a boat with the alcohol concentration of 8% or more, is going to be enforced. The agency lost funding and cut back on patrols, but the arrests increased to 60 within a year. After 8 p.m. until the early morning hours, is ther period where most drunken boaters go unchecked. However, in 2005, after patroling during that period, 55 drunken boaters were arrested which was triple the number of arrests in the last 3 years.

The law is important to be enforced because this issue is crucial to the safety of the citiznes. The number of accidents boating accidents have caused has incrased so dramatically. Even though it is argued that the sun and the water doesn't impair a drunken person's driving ability on a boat, the instability caused from alcohol impairs one's ability to function correctly and practice safe boat driving skills.


hiloreee said...

I completely agree with this law. Most sane people are not even allowed to operate a car, let alone drive a boat. We dont live that close to the ocean to go boating everyday/ every weekend, but it still doesnt make sense to me why you would drive a boat drunk. Nonetheless, I'm glad this law is in effect because when i'm on a boat, i'd like my driver to be sober!

insomnia said...

I agree with this law also. If there are laws that ban drinking and driving there should be a law that bans drinking and boating. I feel that the danger is same either on land or on sea when you are drunk.

Eugene Yih said...

Just like drunk driving, drunk boating should also be illegal. Even though one is on water it is still very dangerous. People can still be killed by falling into the water and drown to death. As a result, drunk boating should definitely be illegal.

Mary said...

I also agree with this law. The number of boating accidents has increased dramatically over the last several years. People have gotten body parts stuck in machines, propellers, etc. This law would not only provide safety for the boat driver but also for the other boaters and animals surrounding him/her.

cody c said...

Just imagine urban wakeboarding behind the wake of a drunk driver. Why would people, in their right minds, think that its ok to be behind the wheel of a boat...drunk? This law makes total and complete sense. I'm just surprised that it was not enforced sooner. And if anyone has a problem with not drinking out in the ocean/ on the lake, find a friend to drive.

Trinity said...

It's good to hear of this law because there will be less boats accidents. It's really a negative influence with such drunken people in the society.

butterfly said...

I definitely agree with this law because unlike car accidents, I've heard an accident that people found out a dead drunken boater 3 months later in the river.
This law should be passed a little more earlier.

Optimus Prime said...

This is a very odd story but i too believe this law is needed to prevent the juvenile alcoholics to stop drinking and driving (a boat). This law is neccesary to enforce this issue and for the safety of the people near the waters. Alcohol can effect even when your on a boat so the law shouldnt be differnt from a car to a boat. I approve of this law and it should be installed everywhere.

Sek-C said...

I strongly support this law because the number of boating accidents caused of drinking is increasing. This law will definitely reduce the number and save more lives.