Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Veterans Health Care

On June 23, 2007 The Texas congressman who represents President Bush's home district said Saturday that the administration and Republicans put a higher priority on tax cuts than on veterans' health care.Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Texas, said the House has sent Bush a $64.7 billion spending bill to fund Veterans Affairs. That includes a $6 billion increase for veterans' health care, $3.8 billion more than Bush had requested,"For weeks, the White House budget office threatened to veto this bill, because it was above their request," Edwards said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. "Fortunately, the president finally backed down on his threat to this historic veterans' bill, but only after it was clear that Congress would override a veto."

I agree that veterans should get free health care because most of their health issues were probably caused by war, and because they fought the war because they joined the military voluntarily. And because they joined voluntarily they fought the war for our country so its time to give them something back in return


KK said...

Veterans should be allowed to get free health care. They fought for the country. Free health care might not be enough for their accomplishment.

Optimus Prime said...

This is an interesting issue Spongebob, and I also think that old war veterans should be given free health care. They have been true patriots and representatives of our country during war and it is up to our generation to appreciate there acts of courage. Bush should distribute a fair ammount of health care for these veterans no matter what the cost. Bush has been known for his over-spending and his lack of knowledge for managing money, but this is an issue where people actually need and deserve aid and health care.

Also Spongebob, GET BACK TO WORK!

gumonyourseat said...

I have pity for the war veterans who were drafted into our nation's national defense. Some are drafted extremely young, right out of high school. These young men lose out on an education and are severely traumatized in the wars. They sometimes come back physically crippled, mentally wounded, or both. Free health care is the least the government could do. Congress should consider guaranteeing the men from Iraq jobs, at least in the office. This way, they'll be able to work their way back into our economy. The GI bill and this new health bill are not enough folks.

Squidward said...

I also agree that the veterens should get free health care. Bush does not make good decisions for a president. There are many cases where probably the majority of the people of the US would disagree with his decision.

BuMBleBeE said...

Our country should be wholly responsible for the safety and lives of our veterans. I feel that veterans should, at the very least, receive the free health care provided by this plan. I also feel that it is clear from Bush's threat to veto this plan that Bush is not a capable president.

twilightgypsy said...

Veterens risked their lives fighting for this country. They fought for this country's benefit. The least the government can do to repay them is to provide them with free health care. Many suffer greatly because of injuries or health conditions caused by war.