Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Contraceptive Aid for Foreigning Organizations Denied

Democrats in Congress were unable to ratify a bill that would give contraceptive aid to foreign organizations to support planned parenthood and reduce unwanted pregnancies, much to their dismay. The advocates believe that by donating aid such as birth control pills and condoms to foreign organizations, the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions would decrease. However, even before voting took place on June 22, 2007, "the White House had threatened a veto if Congress approved a bill with the family-planning provision." Their reason was that it would violate Bush's proposed 2008 budgets regarding dollar limits. However, many responsive Republicans stated that the foreign organizations that the Democrats referred to support the right to abortion, and that itself should not be portrayed in the American belief. On the other hand, Democratic supporters declared that only aid would be given, not money, and were disappointed by the decision.

I believe that the controversy surrounding abortion is very intricate and interesting. This is not a black and white issue, as supporters are lined up on both sides of the discussion. However, it is interesting to see that Bush's administration had already threatened a veto before voting actually took place. This act, an intended check against the proposal, confirms the negative stance of many Republicans, although not all, on the right to abortion. I personally believe that this moral debate, surfaced decades ago, will continue to increase in dispute and as of right now, I do not have a clear cut opinion on this issue.

1 comment:

gumonyourseat said...

Abortion? How did the Republicans get abortion from contraceptives? I would like to see this bill resurface. The world population needs a curb; we have such a high demand for water as it is because of the extremely high populations. People are already starving; they shouldn't also die from thirst. It wouldn't be right or ethical, but maybe certain people (like convicts and homeless) should be required to get vasectomies or their tubes tide. In an economic view, a country would save thousands of dollars on birth control pills and condoms if they just prevented the unqualified citizens from becoming parents. This money would go to such better issues like environmental safety and pollution regulations.

And as always, NO TO ABORTION! It is murder. Right of women to abort is synonymous with a right to kill. I wrote a note on abortion on somebody else's post. If you want, go read and learn! I've researched this topic for many months and have carefully deduced this opinion. I have over 100 facts and quotes on this topic. Tell me if you wanna know more. =)