Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bush vetoes embryonic stem cell bill

On Wednesday June 20 president Bush rejected embryotic stem cell legislation. The president said that human embryos should not be destroy of created. Democrats dimissed his veto as moral affront, but republican didn't beause the stem cell research can find more cure for illness. Recently some states and private organizations allow to fund embryotic stem cell research. However, federal limited cells to existed and made restriction.Bush said that also destroying human life in the hopes of saveing human life is not ethical, and it is not the only option before us on stage.

Embryotic stem cell research is not familiar issue but I think Bush should veto this legislation. I am believing that federal government doesn't need to fund stem cell research. Funds that are came from states are enough and I can't morally accept this research. It's good to find cures but the government has to put restrction how deeply scientists can research.


Trinity said...

I also agree with the fact that President Bush should veto this legislation. As Bush mentioned, it is truly violating the moral rules that we must sustain as a society. The future is inevitable with such progres in science, however, ethics should never be forgotten.

hiloreee said...
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hiloreee said...

Actually, contrary to what KK said, Embryonic Stem Cell Research is a very hot topic these days. There has been so much heat getting thrown back and forth with legislation about it, that i'm sure the Senate and House are getting annoyed with legislation about Stem Cells. I am personally against embryonic stem cell research because life is created through a man and woman not a scientist and his tweezers. I have heard (correct me if i'm wrong) that as this new age of research is developing, it may lead to cloning and other sorts of man made people. That just seems a little odd to me. Therefore, i'm glad that Bust vetoed this legislation.