Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Senate Republicans block union bill

On Tuesday, the Republican Senates prevented a bill regarding workers and unions. The bill was intended to make organizing workers for unions easier at nonunion workplaces. The bill would require employers to negotiate with unions if more than half of the workers were in the union. By forcing the employers to recognize unions, the unions would have more authority to protest against the employers. The bill was seen as a threat to the rich from the middle class. The Democrats favored the bill. The House of Representatives passed the bill on March 1. The number in favor was 43 votes fewer than the 2/3 necessary to override the veto that was expected from President Bush.

I believe this is a difference in benefits to each class. Most Democrats are part of the middle class therefore would obviously favor the bill. Republicans are usually rich and therefore would suffer if this bill is passed. Since there are more Democrats, the bill was passed even though the Republicans attempted to stall it.
I chose this article because this is a example of the passing of a bill and the debate that is in it.


gumonyourseat said...

First off, isn't this for next week's topic?

Now for the real comment....

The bill is basically reiterating the First Amendment right? The right to assembly? This should fall under the 9th amendment, too, which protects the rights of the people. The workers have a right to meet with the employer just as much as the employer has the right to not meet with the union. Funny how the government works, huh? Doesn't it suck how people won't respect the rights of others unless the rights are specifically indicated? I agree with the passing of the bill. The public interest is not being defended here. This makes the upper class Americans seem so greedy. They'll probably still be richer than the middle class; they just want to see who's richer than who. I wonder what justifications Bush had to veto this bill....

cody c said...

Its obvious what motivates the many republicans on the subject such as Bush...greed. It's not a surprise. but I want to just touch on the comment of most republicans being very right. I'm ssure many are rich but we must not forget that a president probably wouldn't an election only with the support of the upper class, I would take a look at the south ansd the midwest for middle class republicans. Also you have to remember that living in California, a very liberal state that we are fed the perception, mostly through the media, that the majority of the U.S. agrees qith everything we believe, which is not the case at all. this is more of a response to the comment that somewhat got off subject, but i just wanted to comment.