Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Senate Kills Travel Requirement for Illegal Immigrants

The senate dismissed the travel requirement for all adult illegal aliens to return home for a short time in order to gain legal citizenship in this country. The bill giving possibility to over 12 million immigrants was denied by the senates vote of 53-45. An amendment presented by Sen. Jim Webb, D-Virginia, was too getting voted on. This amendment presented an idea that only those immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for four or more years are eligible to gain rightful citizenship.

I believe that this proposal is a bad idea for many reasons. Many people and businesses in the U.S., ESPECIALLY California depend on illegal immigrants for labor that other people, legal citizens, wouldn't consider doing. If this proposal was to pass, it would not only cripple our economy but may put many small businesses out of business due to the cheap labor that the illegal aliens do.


ching said...

I believe this propsal is just a desperate attempt to round up all the illegal immigrants and send them back permantly. Even though the bill claims that they will get legal citizenship in this country if they return home for a short time, that is very unlikely. However, the amendment is a good idea. If a illegal immigrant has lived in the U.S. for 4 or more years, that means that they probably used their skills to take up jobs, which benefit our economy.

Nice Guy said...

I agree with the senate that the illegal immigrants should be granted the rights when they lived in the United States for four years. That shows the dedication of these people to our country, and it is just not fair for the immigrants who have taken legal procedures to come into this country.

Anonymous said...

This proprosal is only to send back the illegal immigrants back home permanently. Thus, if we want our economy is suffer, I believe its the right choice. However, especially in California, we depend on these illegal immigrants for labor force.

insomnia said...

I disagree with this bill being passed because a lot of the states in the US depend on the illegal immigrants for work. I think that if this bill is going to put down our economy and make the US suffer.