Wednesday, June 27, 2007

House Passes Security Spending

On July 15, 2007, the Homeland Security Department Appropriations Bill was passed through the House granting security along the border of the United States and Mexico. The bill, costing a large $36 billion, funded the Secure Fence Act, which was proposed to build hundreds of additional miles of fencing along the southern border. As a response to the bill, President George Bush threatened to veto it because the proposed project exceeded his intended funding of $1 billion. The Republicans stated that the suggested amount of money from the President was illogical to build the 854-mile and double-layer fence, which was never funded, although being authorized by Congress last year.

The vetoes of the President seem to irritate me especially when particular projects are approved and not taken into action later on. As the article states, last year, Congress approved to authorize the construction of the long fence to secure the borders of the United States and Mexico, but did not distribute any funding since. I believe the President should set a more reasonable budget for the 854 mile wall, much more than $1 billion dollars. President Bush should keep the mission of the Secure Fence Act, and not avoid the problem with his only interest of associating the U.S. in war.


Nice Guy said...

I agree with the House that this much budget should be used to extend the fencing. To extend my thoughts, I believe the government should use more money out of their budget to redo the fences that already exist. The fences that currently exist are very easily climbed over by the illegal immigrants, so even if the illegal immigrants from Mexico are caught and are sent back to the country, the next day they can climb over the fence again to live in the U.S.

BuMBleBeE said...

I would actually have to agree with Bush in his veto of the additional funder. I personally feel that the fence should not have even been started at all. But, since there's no stopping that, there should not be any further spending on such a useless venture. It is no secret that the U.S. needs these illegal immigrants; without them, the U.S. economy would not be the powerhouse it is today. In fact, I think that the U.S. invites this type of immigration and the original purpose of this fence was just for Bush to improve his approval rating among those who do did not know this.

twilightgypsy said...

I don't think a 854-mile double-layer fence is truly necessary. The U.S. could spend the money saved from building such a fence on more important problems. Also, immigrants from Mexico are not the only ones coming over illegally. Why is the United States only concerned about keeping out the people from Mexico? What measures are being taken to stop other illegals from different countries?