Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Research Bill

On Wednesday June 20, President Bush vetoes an embryonic stem cell research funding bill. This is the third veto in his presidency and the second one that is about stem cell research. Bush also issued an executive order that it is not allowed to do research that would destroy embryos. But many disagree to Bush's veto. Emanuel said that Americans see stem cells as a cure to illnesses. Many say that Bush has to stop vetoing all these bills that would help our country in many ways.

In my opinion, Bush is not a good president. He doesn't realize the things that will be good for our country and the things that do our country no good. He needs to let the scientists do what they can as long as what they're doing isn't against ethics. But the executive order Bush is signing that makes it okay for stem cell research to be tested on "ethically produced" stem cells.


KK said...

In my opinion, Bush is not a good president too, but on this issue I agree with him in not funding stem cell research.

Anonymous said...

I also think that BUsh is not a good president after the Iraqi War but in this situation it is possible for Bush to veto it because he has a reason to veto. It also can be good for the country but it might not either so i kind of agree with Bush

phatfatphat8123 said...

ya, i believe that bush should NOT of vetoed the Stem Cell Research Bill. It can help so many people and he is just looking at the negative instead of all of the posotive effects.


samantha said...

i agree bush is a bad president and that he should have not vetoed the bill. Also i heard that this is his first veto.

Anonymous said...

I believe President Bush has some flaws however, I agree with his decision. Stem cell research may benefit our lives scienticially yet there are so many alternatives that will occur regarding to this issue. Some moral values distintively dispute the research for stem cells.

Sek-C said...

I agree with the President Bush's decision to veto the bill. Using embryos for stem cell research can benefit the society in many ways. However, using embroys for the research is an immoral and unethical way to help the society.

Eugene Yih said...

Many people think that Bush made a bad decision for vetoing the bill. However, I don't think that the government is able to afford such an expensive research since our economy is not doing so good.

Eugene Yih said...

Many people think that Bush made a bad decision for vetoing the bill. However, I don't think that the government is able to afford such an expensive research since our economy is not doing so good.