Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bush vetoes embryonic stem cell funding -jane

Bush vetoes embryonic stem cell funding
As he rejects such a bill for the second time, the president calls for study of tissue that would not 'destroy human life.'
By Maura Reynolds, Times Staff WriterJune 21, 2007
WASHINGTON — President Bush on Wednesday vetoed legislation that would have allowed the use of federal funds to support embryonic stem cell research, the second consecutive year he has blocked such a bill. Proponents say embryonic stem cells — which can turn into cells for many different kinds of human tissue — offer the best chance of treating or curing many debilitating or fatal diseases.
But opponents, like Bush, argue that research on the cells, which can be derived from human embryos created during in-vitro fertilization treatments, effectively destroys a human life.In announcing the veto, Bush said he took heart from studies released this month that suggested it may be possible to grow stem cells from sources other than human embryos. "Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical — and it is not the only option before us," Bush said in remarks in the White House's ornate East Room after the veto. "Researchers are now developing promising new techniques that offer the potential to produce pluripotent stem cells without having to destroy human life."

In my opinion, i think that stem cell research is a great idea and can help the United States Greatly. You could replace vital organs of a persons who's heart-for example had been destroyed, you could regrow limbs, and could help millions of people.


gumonyourseat said...

If the baby died from a miscarriage, couldn't we use those cells? I wish everybody would stop connecting stem cell research with abortion. They may be connected, but stem cell research is a wonderful new technological advancement while abortion is completely immoral! One cluster of cells from a miscarriaged baby would save MORE than one life. The trade-off would be so much greater. On a side note....

Personally, I staunchly agree with Bush on the abortion issue. No abortions no matter the case! Even in rape cases, it's not right to punish the unborn soul. And if the mother's life is in danger, the doctors could keep the fetus in an incubator, although this rarely works, instead of performing an abortion. The rights of the mother shouldn't warrant murder.

insomnia said...

I agree with the stem cell research because it would help the citizens in the US for medical purposes. There are many people who can't be cured by heart diseases and other death related illnesses, by researching this it will save many lives.