Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bush getting REJECTED by the Senates

Although President George W. Bush had hope to get the support from the Republican senates for the Iraq War policy, he had miserably failed. His wishes were completely rejected when two prominent Senate Republicans called for Bush to begin withdrawing U.S. troops. Senate Richard Lugar, a past Bush supporter and the Iraq war, called for a change of direction towards the war by coming the floor of the Senate to call for the U.S. to begin withdrawing troops as soon as possible. Other republicans also supported Senate Richard Lugar, people such as Senate George Voinovich and John Warner who stated that other Republicans would make similar calls to end the war.

This article caught my attention because it actually affects my life. One of my friend has to go to Iraq in December if the war doesn't end by then. This war has been going on for years and years now and to me, it seems useless. I think that President Bush should call an end to the war and definitely start withdrawing the U.S. troops immediately. It just only seems like he doesn't want the war to end because if it continues he wouldn't have to give up the spot as a president yet.


Squidward said...

i also believe that Bush should withdraw our troops. Bush hasn't made the best decisions during his two terms of presidency. but in my opinion, if he has to make just one good decision i think it should be withdrawing our troops in iraq.

estevanlikeUHH said...

yeah bush really should withdraw our troops. they have been there for way too long and it doesn't seem like we're making any progress at all. the troops are just taking up space.

twilightgypsy said...

Will this war ever end? Our troops need to come home. Enough is enough and it is time for the war to stop.