Wednesday, June 27, 2007


So basically, president Bush is being subpoenaed by the U.S. Senate due to controversy surrounding his spy games. It has been alligated that premier Bush unlawfully phone-tapped suspected terrorists without any warrant, which we all know to be unconstitutional (guess George didn't get the memo). Now the senate has been questioning the president about these outrageously unlawful acts.According to the Senate committee chairman Patrick Leahy "Our attempts to obtain information through testimony of administration witnesses have been met with a consistent pattern of evasion and misdirection," Oh what a suprise, the President is once again failing to own up to anything he says.

I think that this show of power by the Senate to regulate the executive branch is exactly what the Bush administration needs as a reminder that there are consequences to infriging upon the most sacred American documents of ALL TIMES!!! This subpoena is a healthy excersize in checks and balances and is an example of the success of our three branched system of government. God bless America.



gumonyourseat said...

Since this is a time of war, the powers of the president is elevated. I'd rather the president phone tap suspected terrorists than to have people bomb our country. It's better for the violation of a few than the death of thousands. If we had phonetaps, spying and conspiracy wouldn't be such a problem. The subpoena is a bad example of the check. Bush's action should fall under the necessary and proper clause because we are in times of chaos.

courtnaaayyy said...

This makes me extremely mad that Bush listened in to a phone conversatin without a warrent. If one of us "Americans" were to do that, we would probably be in a great amout of trouble. It is not fair that we all do not get the same treatment. Perhaps soon he will admit to his many mistakes.