Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ron Paul emerges as GOP's unlikely rock-star candidate

Ron Paul is emerging as a very strong candidate among the younger crowd. He was a part of a rock concert and was cheered by the crowd as he announced his plans of abolishment of the federal reserve system. According to one young enthusiast, "'He's consistent,' said Jennifer Reilly, a 23-year-old student at the College of Southern Nevada who attended a recent rally here. 'I actually believe everything he says.'"
I feel that a strong leader is essential for the U.S. right now, especially since we are in such a state of turmoil and distrust. Ron Paul seems to be gathering steam--even though many experienced and older people feel that his policies are a bit ridiculous--because his ideals are popular among the young generations. If Ron Paul does become a stong contender for the election, I feel that it would be a breath of fresh political air, I hope that he will become more popular so some of his ideology will rub off on the other candidates.


Mary said...

I believe that this candidate is appealing only to the younger crowd. If he truly wants to become elected, he needs to win the votes of the majority. And from your article, it states that the experienced and older people do not share the same views as this candidate. I think he should be more mature in his campaign and think on a more national level.

Bret Moore said...

I'm 30, am I part of the younger or older crowd? I'll also give you a little anecdotal evidence - there's quite a few gray hairs in the various meetups I have attended. Are old folks picking up the online frenzy too? I think he appeals to more than you realize. I'll ask you - have you investigated him at all?

Look into him, he's the best there is !

Optimus Prime said...

I can see Ron Paul as a possible president, kind of, maybe. I respect that a former rocker is running for president. It shows his commitment and his capabilities as a politician to emerge as a strong candiate. This will be excellent to the youth society because he can relate more knowledgeable to what we think. All the props to Ron and remember, "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

butterfly said...

I want to support people who are different with the past. So, I am positive that a former rocker is running for president because he can have his own view unlike other presidents.