Monday, July 16, 2007

Obama's money puts Clinton's 'inevitable' nomination in doubt

Washington insiders were beginning to think of Senator Hilary Clinton(Democrat)'s nomination as inevitable yet Senator Barack Obama(Democrat) shook that assumption with this successful fundraising totals of $32.5 million raised, of which $31 million can be spent in the Democratic primaries. Clinton fundraised a total of $27 million for the quarter and will be able to use $21 million in her primaries. Historially, the one who raised the most money would end up getting the nomination. Obama's record breaking fundraisers represents his dedicated, passionate characteristics which in one of Obama's first television ads a Republican state senator from Illinois state, "Republican legislators respected Senator Obama." Does money equal votes? It does not necessarily equal vots yet it enables a candicate to run heavely television advertising in the most crucial states. By raising a lot of money, it ables a candidate to expand their campaign. "People seem to be throwing money at the candidates. And most of it is going to the Democrats."

It is very exiciting to see our first woman candidate and first African American candidate excel in the fields of fundraising and to see that they are the first runner ups of the election. In addition, it is very interesting to see candidates compete for money and attention when there aren't acutal votes are cast yet. I believe they're goal is to fundraise as much as possible to enable themselves to expand their campaign into a deeper, broader level so that the majority of the people who are qualified for voting can hear the issues and the beliefs these candidates ensure in. It all depends on how much they make and how much attention they can create.


Chris Lee said...

I think money equals how many votes a person receives. If a person knows nothing of politics and hears of a name constantly through the television or on posters, if he or she goes to the polls, they will vote for that person. With two democrats fighting for first, it would suck if the vote was spilt and none of them won.

Eugene Kim said...

I agree with you in being excited to see a woman candidate and an African American candidate do so well in the election. I believe it is time for a change, but not only that but it may truely revolutionalize our country. Not because we never had a woman or bblack president but because they are extremely well qualified and thier fund raising shows signs of it.

shawtyy said...

It is just crazy to see how hard Clinton and Obama are working to get the most money so that they can end up getting the nomination. Obama did raise a lot, which definitely shows how harderr he is working. I do think that money equal votes. With a lot of money, a candidate is able to advertise and expand one's campaign. But I feel that it's really unfair for a candidate who is not able to raise that much money when he or she can have the great qualities of a president.