Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Reverend Who Preaches to Candidates

Reverend Frank Page, president of a 16.3-million-member Southern Baptist Convention and leader of a large congregation, makes it a hobby to talk to local and presidential candidates about salvation. He says that that leaders need to see a Christian viewpoint and thus offers to share his own. He never endorses the candidates, keeping the conversation on religion and salvation to Christ. He has chatted with many candidates so far, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, a vilified Democratic who supports abortion. Rev. Page is quite different from other reverends, who would rather stay out of politics altogether.

I believe that this man is doing a good thing; he is teaching these candidates -- politicians who are perhaps unethical in their election campaigns -- morals and ethics. However, I think that the candidates may want to take the opportunity to talk to this reverend to gain the votes of his congregation, a hefty number of people. It seems quite random to take time off campaigning to listen to spiritual teachings but hopefully they can learn a thing or two about integrity and ethics.


gumonyourseat said...

Well, I think the candidates would be smart, strategically, to talk to this reverend. Since our society is made up of a lot of God-based religions more of the popular votes will go to someone who can show that they are very spiritual and focuses on morality. Furthermore, it is a smart move for the reverend as well to not endorse any candidate with monetary contributions. Remember one of the rules of politics?Separation of church and state! He is taking on an unusual role in the election, maybe even starting a new trend where candidates use their religion to get votes. That sounds so deceitful...

twilightgypsy said...

I think one person can influence you and make a large impact on your life. Reverend Page talking to local and presidential candidates can influence them positively. He can teach them even something as simple as right from wrong--like how it is wrong to be unethical in their election campaigns.

butterfly said...

I think that candidates would just stay seated and hear what this reverend said but not actually listen to the reverend. I heard that to be a candidate, a person should become kind of tricky..

insomnia said...

I think this is very interesting. I don't think the people who are doing this is not wrong since presidents should see all kinds of view points, but it could be taken the wrong way. It might seem to other people that these Christians don't want the presidents to be non-Christians.

Trinity said...

Teaching religious and moral materials are outstanding. Reverend Frank page excellently done this by showing rare confidence regarding this matter. Some contenders should have strong points through his messages.