Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jews and Evangelicals for Giuliani?

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York and current Republican candiate, began his campaign events tuesday at the evangelical Regent University in Virginia Beach where he appeared with the school founder, Pat Robertson. After arrving one hour late, he later spoke to the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington in Rockville, Md. In his visit to both groups, he focused on the threat of "Islamic Terrorists", and expressed strong support for Israel. He began saying that the Democrats are "in denial" about the threat posed by terrorists to the U.S. and drew a line between Nazi Germany and current terrorist groups. He uses emotional and historical effect on the Jewish community, involving Hitler and Nazism in his speech, saying "I'm not going to make that mistake again (Holocaust). If I'm President, I'm not going to let any man destroy Israel."
It has been researched that the Jewish community has been a significant amount of votes in recent elections and for example, it even helped elect President Bush with 25 percent Jewish voters. I think Rudy Giuliani is making an excellent effort to gain success in his campaign. I think using the emotional appeal to obtain voters interests and possibly votes, it is a good strategy and just politics. For more informations and a live video footage of his speech, visit http://blog.washingtonpost.com/campaign-trail/2007/06/jews_evangelicals_for_giuliani.html


hiloreee said...

Giuliani is being very bold in relating the Holocaust to Israel today. Because he is trying to get votes for his campaign, i believe this is an important tactic to use in order to relate to the Jewish population. It seems as if he is semi-following in the footsteps of Bush, which is an interesting approach to campaigning for president.

twilightgypsy said...

I'm glad Rudy Giuliani is so passionate about preventing the Holocaust from occuring again. This will definately be an excellent way for him to help gain support in the Jewish community. I see his concern for preventing terrorist attacks and protecting Israel.