Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Edwards Wife In the Spotlight!

Elizabeth Edwards is back in the spotlight, again.

The wife of the Democratic presidential hopeful from North Carolina, John Edwards, is taking the starring role in a new campaign commercial for her husband.

“You’re not going to outsmart him. He works harder than any human being that I know, always has, “ says Edwards, in the television ad now playing in the crucial early primary state of New Hampshire.

For Edwards, who’s battling cancer, it’s another moment in the spotlight. Earlier this week she fired away at Hillary Clinton, telling the on-line magazine Salon that “sometimes you feel you have to behave as a man and not talk about women’s issues. I’m sympathetic; she wants to be commander in chief. But she’s just not as vocal a women’s advocate as I want to see. John is.”

“Despite her battle with cancer, Elizabeth Edwards refuses to be a shrinking violet,” says CNN Political Editor Mark Preston. He also says “this was definitely a shot across Clinton’s bow and there’s no question Elizabeth Edwards is her husband’s biggest political asset, especially when it comes to women voters.”

The most recent CNN-Opinion Research Corporation national poll of Democratic women finds Hillary Clinton far ahead of John Edwards. The Senator from New York was the choice for president among 45 percent of the Democratic women polled June 22-24. Senator Barack Obama was second with 25 percent and Edwards far behind at 11 percent.

This is not the first time Elizabeth Edwards has gone after Clinton. Last October she compared herself to Clinton, saying “we both went to law school and married other lawyers, but after that we made other choices. I think my choices have made me happier. I think I’m more joyful than she is.” After her comments made national headlines, Edwards reached out to apologize to Clinton.

wow this is pretty intense specially the way she went off on Hilary Clinton.. but its good that candidates wives are involved.. its actually pretty interesting on what they have to say on other candidates.


Mary said...

I think it's brave for Elizabeth Edwards to stand up for her husband. However, she must take into account that her strong, bold opinions would definitely attract negative attention. I think that negative comments should be kept to candidates themselves and not for the whole world to hear. If Elizabeth Edwards wishes to bash out at Hillary Clinton, then she should do so in private. If she wishes to look bad for both her husband and herself... then she should continue her bold, opinionated, caustic comments.

shawtyy said...

It's great to see a wife supporting her husband and voicing her own opinion. Yet she should make sure that she is respecting the other candidates as well instead of not caring what they think. If she has strong feelings for other candidates, she shouldn't expose to the public because it may lead to chaos and conflict. She definitely does have the right to say whatever she wants to say yet she should represent her husband in a positive way instead of having him look bad or having him apologizing to clinton.

butterfly said...

I know that a wife wants to support her husband but I do not think that, in government, she should not because it's too obvious. I think that the husband should do his best for himself, not his wife.