Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Presidential campaign money gap widens

Senator Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, have set the bars for the funding of their election while leaving other candidates with scraps. It has been shown in history that money does not determine the outcome of the race, and does not buy votes. The "bandwagon effect" is taking place in the election when people see a specific candidate being successful by raising large funds for their campaign, they tend to donate to that candidate more. The race of president has established the gap between the rich and the poor in the campaigning of the 2008 election candidates.

I believe that money is a main aspect in the running of presidency as it appears to be a necessity in order to be successful. There are many well qualified candidates that have dropped out of the election due to the lack of funding for their campaign, such as Jim Gilmore. The absence of money limits a candidate's ability to have a successful running. As stated in the article by veteran Democratic strategist, Bill Carrick, "Most campaigns don't lose, they just run out of money." I believe that all candidates should have equal sums of funding for their campaign, which in turn would then eliminate unfair advantages that some may have over others.


BuMBleBeE said...

I do not think that all candidates should receive equal sums of funding for their campaign, after all if there were no fund raisers what is stopping thousands of people to announce themselves as independent candidates and run in the presidential election? I feel that forcing potential candidates to fund raise is an effective and legitimate part of our political system, it weeds out candidates that have no chances of winning and shows the relative popularity of the candidates.

insomnia said...

i dont think that all candidates should receive equal sums of funding for their campaign either. But I might think they should start up with the same amount of money because I do not think it's really fair for people who cannot run against the other candidates because of a lack of money. The funds can differ between candidates because those money are from the citizens that support them and just shows how good of a leader they would be when they become a president.

Trinity said...

Money is important for running for campaign defines various activities that a contender must go through to gain favor and popularity. Money gap might not influence popularity, but it might define the number of those who might lead the competition in successful campaigning.