Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Police ask voters for pay increase

Sierra Madre police officer's are hoping that voters will approve a ballot in november which will give them higher pay. The police officers gathered 1,767 signatures which is more than the required 25 percent of the city's 7,500 voters, needed in order to earn its place on the ballot. The ballot, which is named the "Prioritizing Public Safety" initiative, is trying to give local police and annual pay increase of more than 20 percent.

I believe this is a great idea for the police officers to get a pay raise. Police officers risks their lives daily and are constantly helping to keep us safe so why not give them better pay?


courtnaaayyy said...

I too agree that police should get a raise. They don't get paid too much right now. They risk their lives everyday for us all. It would be nice to give something back.

twilightgypsy said...

I think police officers deserve a pay raise but a twenty percent increase is a bit too high. A ten percent increase may be better and and more likely to achieve. I understand police officers are risking their lives daily, but they chose to get into that profession--no one forced them.

Mary said...

I strongly believe that the police should be paid for what they do... and what they do is put their lives on the line every single day. However, your article does not mention how much the police are being paid. If they are asking for an unreasonable pay raise, then it would be unfair. If their paycheck does not reflect the hard and dedicated work that they do, then they definitely should get a raise.

Barricade said...

police definitely need a raise i mean their putting their lives on the line to protect ours.. i mean sure they can be.. how should i put it.. tedious but if you think about it they are here to help for the better good. "ARE YOU USERNAME: LADIESMAN217? Where is the eBay item 21153? WHERE ARE THE GLASSES?"

Optimus Prime said...

Police men are heroic figures and put there lives on the job. I respect there bravery for acting on such a risky job. This is an excellent idea and i think everyone should vote for this "Prioritizing Public Saftety" act. "Freedom is the right of all sentient being."

efray said...

i agree competely. i think that the police deserve higher pay. only as long as they use it on useful things. unlike the south pasadena police though, small city police should NOT spend it on chargers....dumb.

Nice Guy said...

Police, who works for the nation risking their lives, deserve increase in their wage. By getting higher wage, the polie will get more incentive to protect the citizens from danger. Americal will become a safer place to live.

katieannkwok said...

I do agree that the police officers should obtain a raise for their deeds in society that secure our safety, but the request of a raise of 20% is much too unreasonable. Yes, they should be paid more for their duties, but the increase of pay is too significant on the people. Once the ballot is passed, many will be displeased on how much more money they would have to pay in taxes for patrol officers.

butterfly said...

I think that a pay raise for police officers is important for our nation because I know that in many other countries whose economy levels are low there are police officers who pay less and people won't listen to them. it's hard to understand but it's true.

Sek-C said...

I am very tempted to disagree just because past 9 comments all said they agree. However, I do strongly believe that they deserve a pay raise. They are risking their lives to keep us safe everyday. Well, probably most of them.

insomnia said...

I do agree to some extent that they need a pay raise but not THAT MUCH. They do risk their lives every single day to keep us safe and live in a safe environment but sometimes their are police officers that are just really mean and just wants to catch people for the smallest reasons because they have nothing else to do.

KK said...

i also agree that police officers should be paid more. they are risking their lives to us. they just deserve from what they do everyday.

Trinity said...

It seems that police officers receive 'a little' money. Their sacrifice and tasks should be rewarded more, therefore, I agree with raising the pay for police officers.