A frustrated Sen. John McCain snapped Wednesday when asked by CNN about his troubled presidential campaign and vowed he would no longer answer questions on that topic.
“I’m not going to talk about my campaign anymore,” McCain said in a sharp tone. “I’m finished with talking about it. I’ve talked about it for two weeks. I will not discuss it or any aspect of it. Thank you.”
McCain’s patience may have been worn thin by his lack of sleep as he managed the Defense authorization bill through the wee hours of the morning.
The question that triggered McCain’s response was whether or not he was going to keep a scheduled meeting Wednesday with his congressional supporters to explain why his campaign is not in dire condition. Eileen McMenamin, the Arizona Republican’s spokeswoman, declined to elaborate whether McCain would no longer talk – ever – about his campaign or just not talk about it while in the Capitol. But she did say he remains a candidate and will be back on the trail next week – with reporters in tow.
I can definitely understand why mccain would snap.. I would be a little grouchy too if i had little sleep and I had a dozen reporters asking me questions about my campaign and how it was ruined.
This is a very funny topic. I disagree with Barricade because he is my enemy. I dont think McCain should snap at reporters and that was very immature of him. Oh i didnt sleep alot so leave me alone. Boo hoo. No one cares. Your running for president so you know this was going to be a part of this process. Reporters asking questions is the aspect of running for president, maintaining a campaign and etc. What a little baby, like Barricade. I shall destroy you and remember, "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
This topic is bit confusing but i kind of agree and disagree because it is possible that McCain doesn't want to say anything because it is his choice and he can do whatever he wants to do. In another way if he snapped the reporter in a bad way i think it is bad because it is very rude to do that to the reporter.
I also think it was rude and immature of McCain to snap at a reporter. He must realize that the public opinion is dominated by the media and that the media just LOVES to report this kind of negative news. McCain's acrimonious tone should have been controlled and he should have presented himself in a professional, mature manner.
Although I understand why McCain got frustrated and snapped at the reporter, I believe his actions were not kept in the most professional manner. This event reveals to me of how he may take care of things in office of Presidency. McCain's actions may cost some of his votes in the 2008 election.
If a person is running for a president he should concern his physical looks also. I think that the media today is very important to be popular and get votes. Who write articles? the reporters. McCain was immature that he snaps at reporters.
I think how he snapped at the reporter would make him have a bad reputation. Even though he mightve had reasons to, if he is going to be president he should have to hold in his temper and learn how to handle these types of problems some other way.
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