Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Loving Politicians

Hillary Rodham Clinton is running for President, there is no doubt about that. However, there have been speculations as to her marriage status with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who was impeached from office. After starting their campaign train across Iowa the doubt of their marriage not being effective has surpassed the minds of local residents. The couple was very loving in their body language- Bill supporting his wife as she made speeches and took the time to get to know the citizens. It has been heard that there are many skeptical women who don't approve of Hillary's decision to stay with her husband. But after seeing them together on the trail their opinions changed. Campaigning with her husband has allowed Hillary to "effectively double the number of personal contacts made with voters at every campaign stop."

I think that Hillary knows what she is doing when she takes her husband with her on her campaign trail. Understanding that people know her husband, she is playing off of his popularity and enjoying the spotlight herself. She is prepared for the battle of her campaign and Bill seems to enjoy supporting her long the way. What a -now- happy couple.


kate_mcg said...

Hilary is a smart, smart, smart lady in this kind of situation. She knows that her husband Bill Clinton, has his wide-spread share of support amongst U.S. citizens, and undoubtly that support will be cashed in to increasing her support rates for the 2008 election.
Thanks to her husband, she's actually got a shot at this.

Optimus Prime said...

I believe Hilary is a strong and confident women and i think she is in charge with what she is doing. Using Bill for her campaign is helping just a smart tactic on her part. On on there relationship, i see no problems . I think there a happy couple I agree with megatron. My own, Megatron. You shall never live to see another day. Evil never prevails because "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

Anonymous said...

I think Hillary has the most chance of becoming a president and i really think that she has the potential too because her husband was a president so he can support her and hillary is a smart lady.

shawtyy said...

It is awesome for Hillary to have the support of her husband. Even though they went through tough times, he is still able to be there for her and continue to encourage her. This demonstrates that she is aware of what she's doing and she has the confidence in herself to have her husband come along. He is able to get some votes for her and he is able to still show his love for his wife and show that their relationship is fine.

insomnia said...

I think she is very smart bringing her husband, Bill Clinton, to her campaigns. Knowing that Bill Clinton is very popular and a lot of people know him, she can advertise herself even more. She is coming out strong and I believe that she knows a lot of how it is to be a president since her husband was one in the past.

butterfly said...

I think that Hilary Clinton should have support by Bill Clinton and his followers also. I know that there are still many people who like Clinton. Hilary Clinton is being smart and she is lucky to have her husband who was a President and loved by many peple.

Trinity said...

I am surprised for Hilary's perseverence in sustaining with her husband when he cheated on her. It's interesting to see her 'using' Bill Clinton in some ways, yet, I see her desire to win the presidency really badly.