Monday, July 16, 2007

Jim Gilmore quits the presidential race

Republican Jim Gilmore has said he is abandoning his attempt to win his party's nomination for the 2008 US presidential election. One of the less prominent Republican hopefuls, Mr Gilmore has struggled since entering the race in April. A former governor of Virginia, he described himself as a "mainstream Reagan conservative". There are now nine Republicans in contention, with Rudolph Giuliani and Mitt Romney the frontrunners.
He has made little impact in the opinion polls, and latest figures show his campaign funds standing at a mere $90,000. Mr Gilmore blamed his late start and the early schedule of primary elections, which will begin in the New Year. Emergency surgery for a detached retina delayed his campaigning last month.

I think that its good he dropped out of the race. he knew he had no chance to win because he isnt as popular as the other candidates and if he didnt quit he would lose and have wasted over a year in the race. Even if he had not gotten surgery he still would not be close to winning.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could just give up in the middle. Anyway, it is pretty disappointing for him to just quit like that because he fears of losing. However, I guess it is reasonable since his campaign funds aren't comparable to Sn. Clinton's or Sn. Obama's. Plus, if he has health issues, it is better for him to not to run for his own benefits.

Chris Lee said...

I agree in that he dropped out. If he knew he had no chance, there wouldn't be a purpose in continuing and spending more money. $90,000 isn't a lot of money to advertise compared to Obama or Clinton above 30 mil. Polls and statistics show that there will be only 2 or 3 candidates from each party that can actually compete with each other.

Sek-C said...

I am very glad that he dropped out, instead of wasting all the money for a meaningless campaign. I thought maybe he should just go and help poor people or something with that money. At least he would make a positive impact to the society instead of just wasting all the money and losing the election.

courtnaaayyy said...

I too agree that is was good that he dropped out of the race. The two main competetors are hilary and Obama. I feel that he would have had no chance in winning.

efray said...

i also agree that it was a good idea for him to drop out of the race. there are very strong competitors running in his party and i think that Clinton and Obama have far more potential than he did and it was a good idea.

KK said...

I knew that money is big aspect of the election but I didn't realize that some candidates quit the presidential race because of money.
But he should quit without money in real.

shawtyy said...

I am glad to see him drop out because instead of blaming himself in not campaigning well, he blames his late start and early schedule for primary elections. He was not able to admit to his own mistake, so how are we suppose to rely on him? He should not make any kind of excuses, such as even having a surgery. Yes, one's health is important but if the president is not healthy, how are the people suppose to trust him to fully commit to his work without distractions? Since he has been struggling, it is smart of him to drop out and he should take the time to do something else that will be able to show his true talents and skills.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know why he dropped out of the presidential race but i think he should have continued even though he had an issue because since he quit, people will now think that he will become a bad president because he quits easily.

butterfly said...

It is kind of sad because there are not many candidates who don't have usually. But he didn't have to let people know the reason why he dropped out.