Monday, July 16, 2007

In 2008, are voters looking for experience -- or a fresh face?

In 2008, are voters looking for experience, or a fresh face? This article mentions that campaign experience of a candidate doesn't really seem to help the candidates for the upcoming election. For example, the two candidates who are running for the second time, former Senator John Edwards and Senator John McCain, started strong, but are lagging in the polls and in fundraising now. This means voters may be ready for someone new and different, like Illinois Senator Barack Obama. Campaign experience of a candidate has been helpful to the candidates in other elections, as Nixon, Reagan, Bush (first) were all elected after running for president two or three times. However, it appears voters might want a mix of the new and the old, as they seem to be looking for a “fresh face” as much as they are looking for someone experienced.

I personally believe that it is reasonable for voters to be interested in a brand new face. This would give equal chance to candidates who are not well-known or experienced. However, experience and ability of the candidate should be the most essential factor to consider for the voters, before voting for a candidate.


samantha said...

i think that it is important to have experience and people should consider the candidates by their experience. but also it is not unreasonable to base their favorite candidates on their new face.

Trinity said...

It's good to sustain variety and it's really a positive result on having female and African American contenders as Clinton and Obama. I certainly agree that the experience and knowledge are crucail for the responsbility of a president is very heavy.

Anonymous said...

I believe that we are looking for a brand new, fresh face. Experience may be secure yet a brand new experience may bring exciting, unheard benefits. Not only it gives an equal chance but new ideas should to embraced rather than accept old ideas that that never worked out but always tried again.

efray said...

i think that we may be looking for a fresh face but there is nothing wrong with that. President Bush made it clear that we need one. people are waiting for him to be out so we can have someone new to run our country for us. I think we all agree that we are DONE looking at Bushs face all the time.

Nice Guy said...

I think the fact that McCain and Edwards are lagging in their campaign is not because people are tired of seeing them again, but because people just don't believe these two are qualifiers for the presidency.

twilightgypsy said...

Rather than having a president two or three times, Americans seem to be thinking "Out with the old and in with the new." However, I think people need to elect someone with some reasonable experiece so they are qualified for the position of president. The President has many responsibilies and the country is relying on him to make several crucial decisions.

shawtyy said...

I feel that voters should look for a person with experience instead of a new person. Yes, a fresh person may be good for the election so that the people can see what this new person can contribute to our country and what kind of president he or she would be? But since one is new, the public would have so much questions with this new person and not have the ENOUGH knowledge to strongly choose a person. The people will not be able to know one's strengths and weaknesses because one is new. The public would also know what to expect from this new person, so there would be a feeling of nervousness and anxiety. So one's experiences and talents are more important than one's fresh face.

insomnia said...

I understand why people favor new faces since a lot of the candidates who have experiences have been bashed for their past. But at the same time people should consider the experiences a good thing. If they have experience they would know more and the better for us citizens.

Anonymous said...

Experienced people can be better but that is not true because there are many young intelligent people that are very smart and has potential to run against election and win.

butterfly said...

I think a president should be new but do a better job than experienced governors because in my personal opinion, the president should be very close to the word, perfect.