Monday, July 16, 2007

First GOP Candidate Drops Out

The 57-year-old Republican and Former Virginia Governor, Jim Gilmore, has decided to drop out of the Presidential Election of 2008 due to the lack of funds in support of his campaign. Because of the failure of raising a substantial amount of money to continue his campaign, Gilmore has stated that it "has made it impractical to continue". In addition, Gilmore barely registered in polls as he states, "The reality is, we're raising money in the hundreds of thousands, and the front-runners are raising in the millions." Jim Gilmore was the first out of the 10 GOP presidential candidates to ever drop out.

I believe that money is an unreasonable factor in campaigning due to the disadvantages that it gives to others who are unable to raise enough funds for their campaign. Candidates should not be forced to drop out of the election due to their lack of money, but should have their own decisions to do so. I believe that the issue of money to campaign should not conflict with the capabilities of a qualified candidate.


Optimus Prime said...

That totally sucks. After i read Chris Lee's article saying people with money will win, i read this. A guy cant afford his campaign and therefore has to drop out. I think campaigns should be funded by the government you know. Not everyone can afford it and some have more money then others. Its not fair that some people that are more qualified cant afford it. Keep hope alive Jim, and remember, "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

hiloreee said...

Poor Jim Gilmore. Dropping out because of no money. Thats like telling a little kid for the first time that you dont have enough money to.... go to disneyland. I think that money is a very overrated factor in elections. Why should the amount of money you put into getting votes from people matter? I mean, shouldnt the support a candidate receives come because of what he stands for? Apparently not. But i commend this former governor for atleast trying to make it work with the big dogs.

Barricade said...

wow that sucks cause you spend all this time trying to fund raise for your campaign and you get slaughtered by these giants that raise hundreds of times the amount you raise and your forced to drop out. i wish all the other candidates good luck though on that note "Im Ready! for the 2008 elections"

Nice Guy said...

The fact that the candidate drops out because of lack of funds reflects that people who are poor cannot become presidents. Since interest groups are the ones who are very influential in funding the campaigns through PACs, the election is basically controlled by the interest groups.

Eugene Kim said...

I think that even though a lack of money is a disadvantage for some candidates, he or she should have forseen this event. No one knows about his or her financial stability better than themselves, so although Jim Gilmore was forced to drop out due to lack of funds, it may be because he did not have enough support to begin with

Anonymous said...

I think it is really sad that they drop out of the election of 2008. Even though it is lack of the funds they should still try their best

KK said...

It's so obvious. People aren't going to notice candidates without money. Reality is kind of sad, but i thinkt we can't complain about it.

courtnaaayyy said...

I cannot believe this person was forced to drop out. This makes me mad that if a canidate does not have enough money then they can't run for office.

shawtyy said...

It is really unfair for a person to drop out because one is not able to afford it. It would have been awesome if there were organizations that can support him with the money. I also feel that if he really wanted to be in the election, he would have tried to find a way to get through this financial issue and not give up. His giving up is now demonstrating to the people that he really did not care about his running when he may have cared deep inside.

ching said...

If Gilmore was popular, he most likley would have recieved more funds. So if he wasn't even that popular he would have no chance of winning. If he really wanted to win he would have figured out some way to find funds.

butterfly said...

I cannot imagine a candidate especially who runs for president with no money. I think it is sad because, in government, money is necessary. I mean, everybody seems rich.