Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Firefighters Blasts former New York Mayor DUN DUN DUN

The country's largest firefighting union bashes about former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani's performance about September 11, 2001. They aim a blow at the cornerstone of Giuliani's presidential campaign. The relatives and survivors of the 9/11 blamed Giuliani on lack of radio gear. They said if there were enough radio gears, they could've ordered the firefighters to evacuate and saved more than 100 lives. "He gave us nothing when we needed a life-saving radio," says Peter Gorman, a former local president. The firefighters first reported problems with their radio gear after the 1993 bombing. But later that year when Giuliani became the mayor he did nothing to resolve that problem between the 8 years. "He's not a leader," said retired Deputy Chief Jim Riches, whose son was killed in the 2001 attack. "He's running on 9/11, and it's all a fallacy."

I think these criticism of Rudy Giuliani will definately effect the presidential elections. Many people have lost relatives or known the people who lost their lives during the 9/11. If this word gets around that Giuliani was able to save more lives if it wasn't for him, I think that many people would go against him.


twilightgypsy said...

If people find out about Giuliani failing to provide figherfighters with enough radio gear, this will affect his presidential election. Many people lost family when September 11th occured and are looking for someone to blame. People may criticize him and choose someone else for the election.

courtnaaayyy said...

I think that people will find out. This is a terrible thing that he is not going to provide firefighters with enough radio gear. Firefighters do a great amount of help for us.

Barricade said...

this definitely sucks for Rudy Giuliani but it was his fault.. if the NYFD had funding for more radio equipment then it might've save their lives and he wouldnt have been blamed for it

Optimus Prime said...

Wow this sucks for Giuliani's campaing. What a coincidence that this news comes out during the campaign process, huh. I think alot more could've been done during 9/11 to save more lives. Its a shame that this man is still being blamed for the deaths of innocent citizens. I dont know what to say about his topic except that "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

efray said...

i think these comments about Giuliani will definatly be a red flag in the election. this is NOT okay. it is devastating to alot of people to know that lives in that huge accident could have been saved if it werent for his decisions. This is probably gonna be an issue that makes him lose alot of supporters.

Mary said...

I agree with insomnia. These bashes about NY's mayor will definitely hurt him during the election. It's pretty ironic how his platform is on 9/11 and he was unable to maximize the utilities in his city that would have possibly saved many victims' lives during that time. I think this kind of news, if it truly is real, should be spread because it concerns the safety of the nation's citizens.

butterfly said...

I think that many people would not vote for sad. He should've been more thoughful.

insomnia said...