Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fire a Friend or Take the Risk

President Bush's popularity is at a low point and the potential political liability of keeping attorneys around is making some Republicans nervous. Now that Bush has already fired eight attorneys, the decision of firing of Gonzales is the center of attention in Washington. Gonzales, 51, has been a Bush confidant and friend for more than a decade. But with at least a dozen senators clamoring for Gonzales to go, how long will Bush be able to defend his embattled attorney general?

I think that President Bush will take the risk to save his friend, Gonzales. He has faced similar problems before when he nominated another member of his inner circle, White House Counsel Harriet Miers, to a seat on the Supreme Court. Miers' nomination was pulled after political support crumbled amid questions about her credentials and a dispute over whether senators should have access to internal documents she penned while working in the White House. But he still kept her in.


Nice Guy said...

Looking at what Bush did with Miers, it seems like Bush will also try to protect his friend Gonzales despite the senators' accusations against him. Gonzales has been friend with Bush for ten years, and Bush will not give up his friendship.

Anonymous said...

I say that President Bush will take the risk to save his friend, Gonzales because nothing is important than a friendship. They knew together for ten years. That is very long period of time.

Mary said...

I think despite whether or not Bush will help out Gonzales, his popularity will, no matter what, keep on dropping. Bush is facing a dilemma between friendship and business and I believe that whatever the outcome will be, the media will negatively report on his decision.

katieannkwok said...

I believe that President Bush should keep his business life and private life separate. Bush shouldn't make the decision of firing an attorney through the course of friendship, but to the benefit of the United States.

butterfly said...

I think that President Bush would not fire Gonzales.. The reason can be the people who are watching him and knowing that they were together for 10 years. He probably knows that if President Bush fires him, then he would lose votes for him.

BuMBleBeE said...

I feel that Bush will continue to risk his popularity among the senate by keeping Gonzales by his side. It is true that Bush's popularity is at an all time low, but aside from his friendship with Gonzales, his political ideology too will be a force pressuring him to keep Gonzales. Bush's action of firing Gonzales will ultimately show Bush's admittance to his wrong in his original decision to appoint Gonzales.

Barricade said...

most definitely bush will risk his popularity.. especially when his term is about to end... and as bumblebee said if bush fires gonzales it will ultimately show bushes admittance to his wrong.. to appoint gonzales

KK said...

President should clarify between pravate and work in politics. And Bush wouldn't fire Gonzales considering how Bush did.

Trinity said...

I wonder how Bush will deal with Gonzales though he has some loyalty for his friend. Cutting eight attorneys sound so many, so what will he do with Gonzales?