Edwards traveled in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans, said the tour had shown him that there were different aspects of poverty across the country.
In a radio interview, Edwards said he believed President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney had engaged in "illegal behavior," but he sidestepped a question about whether Bush should be impeached.
I am glad with what he did. But I personally think that Edwards has to take action more than just pusing; he could ignore them after he becomes President.
I think that Edwards will be a great president if he gets elected, even though it is pretty unlikely. I think it is great how we have someone like him that focuses on helping the community and promoting a better education for children. That is what we really need.
I believe that most of the poor do not get or have a proper education. It is a great thing that Edwards is pushing for better education for the misfortunate.
Appealing through education development is truly a wonderful aspect. However, the words and feelings expressed by the contender may not be shown through action when they become overwhelmed in the position of the president.
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