Monday, July 16, 2007

Dueling Iraq Speeches in Iowa for Obama, Clinton

As Clinton, Obama, and Edwards lead the polls, Clinton and Obama argue over the Iraq War in Des Moines, Iowa. Barack Obama, a state lawmaker in Illinois, stated that he objected the war since the beginning. He also claimed that Hilary Rodham Clinton supported the war in the beginning by voting on sending troops to invade Iraq to destroy Saddam Hussein’s regime. Clinton, on the other hand, mentioned that she wouldn’t have voted for the invasion if she knew this would have happened. Both contenders stand for the opposition in war as they lead the financial matters having around $26 million each.

I chose this article because Clinton and Obama are both contenders with unusual characteristics that the former presidents didn't have. It will definitely be an amazing turn in the United States history when one of them becomes the president. I think their actions against war will bring many in favor of them.



samantha said...

I think its weird that these people are leading the polls because they are not likely candidates to get this far in the race. I think that the fact they are against the war and that they are different from the rest of the presidents will make them really popular. clinton will still be popular even though the war because she says she is against it.

Sek-C said...

I was a little surprised to read and find out that Clinton and Obama are leading the polls. However, I am very glad that a woman or an African American may actually be the next president of the US, because this will prove that everyone really has the chance to be the president.

Chris Lee said...

I find it funny what Hilary said. If anyone knew we were going to be unsuccessful in war, no one would want to go into war. Anyway, did Obama and Clinton have a debate or was it just during their speeches? But the fact that both of them do not want the war will gain more votes from the democratic side.

efray said...

I think that Clintons comment on her not voting on the war if she knew it was going to get this out of hand is ridiculous. i think that voting on any war, is an obvious sign that there will be one. and any bad and will get out of hand. im happy though that Clinton and Obama are leading the polls because they are both strong contenders who i would like to see in office.

insomnia said...

i too agree with trinity about how it would be interesting if one of them become president. I think it would bring a change and peace to America. And people would be able to experience another point of view with the war.

Anonymous said...

I truely think that it is possble that Hillary Clinton will become the next US president and the first US women president

butterfly said...

I am interested in this election unlike others because I knew that Clinton and Obama are leading the polls. I like Clinton being confident and hope that both of them would have good results.