Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Edwards and Obama Shift Focus to Poverty

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama challenged John Edwards' claim as the anti-poverty candidate on Wednesday and reminded voters of his experience working with the inner-city poor.

Meanwhile, Edwards is going on an eight state poverty tour. Both of these candidates invoked democratic icon, Robert F. Kennedy, who 40 years ago in the presidential election brought attention to the poor. Edwards said during the tour he wants "America to remember what he did decades ago. i want you to join us to end the work Bobby Kennedy started." Obama alluded to Kennedy's tour and repeated a question Kennedy once said, "How can a country like this allow it?" it is evident that both candidates feel strongly about the poverty problem.

I think that it is amazing we have candidates that are bringing attention to the povery problem and i agree with Obama in his quesiton. How could we allow the things that are happening here? I am glad that they are bringing up these issues because it shows their concern for the whole nation and concern for the things that have been ignored and neglected for the past eight years.


Mary said...

I think the shift in focus is very important and influential to Edwards' and Obama's campaigns. The war on poverty has been a long, losing battle and it takes a strong leader to address this problem (eg. like LBJ). If presidential candidates are willing to assist this problem, then I bet constituents are willing to vote for them.

On the other hand, if such focus will result in higher taxes, then I believe that would become a totally different issue...

samuel said...

I think it is very good that these candidates are showing attention to the poor. it is a definate problem in American society these days and no better way to make your image more appealing for presidency than to help out America.

katieannkwok said...

It is pleasing to hear that the candidates for presidential office have brought attention to the issue of poverty in the world today. The awareness to the problem of Poverty may bring those of the lower class to register to vote, therefore giving the candidates an advantage as they may be supported by these individuals.

shawtyy said...

It's great to see the candidates approaching other issues we have in our nation. How they deal with the issue will majorly influence the voters because they are able to see how the candidates view each issue and if they agree with the candidates or not. The public is also able to see that these candidates are able to take their time and try to work their way in finding a solution to poverty. They are able to show the public that they care for all kinds of people, whether your rich or poor. Every vote counts!

butterfly said...

I think that people would like the candidates if they know or see this article. I hope that the candidates take actions for poor more and more.

KK said...

it is good the predidential candidates concentrate on poverty. i hope that they are doing it for their images.