Monday, July 9, 2007

Victory for Bush Administration in Spying Case

President Bush has approved warrantless monitoring of international telephone calls and e-mails to or from America, if one party is believed to be a terrorist or related to terrorists. On July 6, 2007, a divided federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit challenging President Bush's domestic spying program without ruling on the issue of whether warrantless wiretaping is legal. The US Circuit Court of Appeals stated that the plantiffs do not have the right to bring a lawsuit because they could not provide evidence that the government was monitoring their communications. The government has kept details confidential, and said the case involved state secrets, which would threaten the national security, if it was exposed.

I personally agree with President Bush on giving the government the authority to monitor international calls and e-mails to or from America, but only if the party is suspicious. This is for the security and safety of the nation, and it would also prevent further attacks by terrorists.


efray said...

i believe that to monitor calls is wrong but for the national security issue in the nation it can be used to an advantage. i think that there should only be permission for warrantless wiretaping if there is strong evidence against the person. to have the right to monitor anyones calls coming in or out of the nation, is a violation of privacy and i believe is wrong

hiloreee said...

yes, I think that Bush has the right to monitor his citizens calls and emails for national security purposes. However, how are you able to regulate that what he reads and analyzes is in regarding to spys or terrorists? Warrentless wiretaping can be seen as a violation of privacy and make people suspicious of our government. But international calls and emails really aren't norms for a normal american to be doing, so i think the government should have the authority to do this.

twilightgypsy said...

As long as warrantless monitering of international calls benefits our nation and protects us against future terrorist attacks, I think it is right. However, the government should have lots of evidence to prove that these people really are suspicious and could bring danger. The government should not abuse their power and begin spying on other people's communications for different purposes. That would be a violation to their right to privacy.

EKIZA! said...

i don't think bush should be allowed to do this at all. i believe that he has had plenty of warning in the past on terrorist attacks and has put a box over his head and pretended it wasn't happening (i.e. 9-11 attacks). I don't believe the government is stable enough to be trusted with that kind of tapping, and it just brings them one step closer to being able to listen in on anyone.. the government scares me.