Wednesday, July 11, 2007

11th-hour plea for Georgia inmate's life

On Tuesday, Virginia Davis led human rights advocates to the building, which houses Georgia's Board of Pardon and Paroles. All she wants is for someone to listen to the true facts in her son's case before it's too late. This dates back to 1991 as a man named Troy Anthony Davis was convicted of the murder of a Savannah police officer. He is now scheduled to be executed next week. But many human rights activists are wanting Georgia officials to consider new evidence that might prove his innocence. This is because back at the trial, there was no physical evidence — the weapon used in the crime was never found — and the case rested on witnesses. But, the state appeals courts still have declined to hear his case."We are here because the death penalty is a runaway train," said Larry Cox, who is an executive director of Amnesty International USA and who is a supporter of Davis. "It renders a defendant virtually helpless in the face of such machinery as incompetent defense, prosecutorial misconduct, racial and class bias, and mishandled or ignored evidence."Davis' appeal lawyers also feel that the Savannah Police Department judged quickly at the day of the incident, and that Davis' trial counsel did not thoroughly investigate the state's evidence.

I feel that Virginia's rights were violated. She should have the freedom of speech to prove her son innocent, yet the court officials are declining to hear this case. If he was found guilty with the stories of witnesses and no other great evidence, it is pathetic for the court to find him guilty. The witnesses can all be lying or they may have been pressured to what they did say by the police. The mother may also have evidence that clearly shows who the murderer was and that can show what exactly happened at the incident. If the court does not see her evidence, they are killing an innocent person and they are letting the true murderer on the loose. I chose this article because I had a response to this unreasonable execution that is being put to a man. If there was no clear evidence, why are they executing him?

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