Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Preaching the Anti-Shopping Gospel

Actor and activist Bill Talen, aka Rev Bill, has spent the last few years parading around manhatten "preaching" against consumerism and big corporations. He goes around accompanied by a robed choir singing gospel songs. He dresses and preaches as if he is a reverend but in fact doesnt even promote religion and isnt a reverend. He claims that people are addicted to shopping and shopping at major corporations is promoting sweat shop production. At the end of June, during a bicycling rally, he was arrested for repeatedly reciting the 1st amendment.

In my opinion, i think that arresting "Rev Bill" was wrong because he has the first amendment right to preach the first amendment. there is nothing wrong with talking about what he does becuase it is true. i feel the same and i feel that it is bad for our society to be based on large corporations. Talen's rights were violated and he has the right to freedom of speech.



hiloreee said...
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hiloreee said...

Well, yes, "Rev. Bill" does have the right to free speech, but he is not representing who he really is, i mean you said yourself that he's not really a reverend but dresses like one to draw attention to himself. His cause is important to him, however the way he is approaching it can be disrespecting religions, as he poses to be a reverend- not even representing the views of any sort of religion. Followers in our society will believe everything people say when it looks and sounds real, even when it may not be. So yes, i commend Talen for going out there to voice his opinion about consumerism, but i dont think that he's going about it the correct way.

Squidward said...

i agree with you that it was wrong for him to be arrested. he does have the freedom of speech to say whatever he wants.

Mary said...

Haha I think this man is very funny.

Anyways, this is a really ironic situation because as the man was preaching the 1st Amendment, he was arrested and lost his freedom of speech (by making speeches). I think, by looking at the comment beside the funny picture of him yelling, he was arrested because he was hassling and harassing the police officers. This would be acceptable to me because he was preventing the police from doing their duties. If he wants to go preach the 1st Amendment, preach at a place that will not disrupt the lives and duties of others.

butterfly said...

Talen has the freedom of speech but everybody has something that they dislike. I think that people should not disturb each other. Of course people should advise when somebody needs it. But in this case, Talen's "advising" was not neccessary because people already know and they have the right to do whatever they want with their money.

twilightgypsy said...

Bill Talen has the right to preach for what he believes in. Consumerism is a negative thing in American society and many people are in debt from spending so much money on things that they really do not necessarily need. Credit cards are one of the main reasons Americans sink so far into debt because they spend excessively and have to pay a great deal of interest. Life shouldn't be about being so materialist. That is ridiculous that he was arrested for saying the 1st Amendment repeatedly.

Anonymous said...

Rev Bill should'nt get arrested because he said something. It is also true that some people are addicted to shopping and i agree with everyone that he has the freedom of speech so my conclusion is that it was wrong that he got arrested.