Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hindu prayer in Senate disrupted

Thursday, July 12th, 2007, was the first day for a Hindu man to offer morning prayer to the Senate. Three protesters appeared saying that they were Christians and are patriots and that Hindu prayer should not go on. The man claiming to be born in India was Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple in Reno, Nevada. Surprisingly the three protestors were arrested. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. was the man to invite this Indian man, who defended him and went off topic to war.

I chose this article, because this reminded me of Engel v. Vitale. It’s Senate, not school, but I believe the First Amendment was being violated for those who are involved in the meeting for they have different religion and there’s no reason for them to bear the Hindu prayer. The difference in religion should be respected and cared. I believe that the Hindu man has violated the First Amendment by leading other believers with his own religion.



Rajesh Anand said...


what is wrong in Hindu prayer? Its a prayer only.. whether its hindu or islam or christian.

we are living in 21st century dude. if u cannot tolerate a prayer then can u understand what will be the people's condition who are at the receiving end of convertion in India?

So be patient man....

KK said...

i thinke it doesn't matter. hidu prayers also can practice theirs. it doesn't matter which religion they serve for or pray. there is problem people who are hearing