Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tennessee First State to Require Everyone to Show ID for Beer

Tennessee requires EVERYONE to bring an ID when going into a bar. Even those who are 50 or 80 years old have to show an id. Some liquor stores are using a license scanner that verifies your age. This can actually help police catch criminals that swipe their IDs. For example, a customer used a counterfeit bill and was eventually caught because he used the ID scanner which showed his address. This new law only lasts a year unless reinstated."But once people live with it for a month or two, it's going to go fine".

I understand to ask for ID if the person is or looks underage, but if it is clearly obvious, then I don't think it should be required. Clerks have to use common sense when it comes down to liquor and underage drinking. Storeowners should check IDs if they have any doubt in their minds. As a 66 year old comments, "It's the stupidest law I ever heard of," Wilson said. "You can see I'm over 21."


Eugene Yih said...

I don't think it is that big of an issue because if your underage your not suppose to drink anyways. So if your 21 or older it doesn't really matter to show the bartender or storeowner your ID just to clearify your age.

gumonyourseat said...

Hmm....If I were like 50, I wouldn't care if I was asked to show my ID at a bar. I think the point of this bill is to catch criminals. Like...say someone walks out of a bar and gets into a car accident. The police can get more evidence when they know where the bar was. They can figure out exactly how much liquor was ingested and what kind. This would make for a stronger case than saying, "That dude couldn't walk a straight line. He MUST be REALLY drunk!"

BuMBleBeE said...

I actually feel that this law will be helpful to the state. This law will make it a lot easier for the police to catch counterfeiters and underage kids. I also like the law because it would be pretty funny if a 50 year old man had to show identification to prove that he was over 21.

samantha said...

i dont understand why u would ask someone who is obviously old for their id. maybe if they look young like in their twentys they could have a fake id..and the scanning id to find people who gave fake money is useful

ching said...

i believe if this program doesn't cost that much money, it should be allowed. if the benefits outweight the costs then there should be no issue.

Anonymous said...

I think it is true that everyone should show their ID to buy or drink beer because if they don't have to show it then even young people can drink and be drunk..