Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pizza Man Sentenced to Death for Serial Killings

In Los Angeles, an ex-pizza man was sentenced to death for the murders of ten women and a fetus. These murders have taken place through an 11 year span. In May, it was a jury that suggested the death penalty was to be used and Superior Court Judge William R. Pounders agreed to this idea. The ten women that were murdered were also reported to be prostitutes.

In my opinion, the man should have just been sentenced to life in prison. The court shouldn't have the right to take away a man's life. Hence in the Constitution, it is stated that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And also in the Bill of Rights, it states that everyone has to right to not get cruel and unusual punishment, and death does count as that.


Mary said...

If the men had murdered 10 women and a fetus, I believe that he deserves the most punishable sentence available. This is a really frightening and shocking issue and I personally would not feel safe living in a community near his jail. This is a man who truly deserves to die and I think the capital punishment is justified in his case.

I wonder how no one suspected him in over 11 years. =|

courtnaaayyy said...

I feel that this man deserved to die. He killed many women that were trying to make a living and get through life. This man had no right killing all these women. Although they were prostitutes, they cound have had potential.

Trinity said...

I agree with the fact that death is too extreme, but he definitely deserves one of the worst punishments other than death penalty. I don't understand why government has power to take away people's lives through death penalty.

hiloreee said...

Yes, i agree, this man should just have a life sentence in prison. I belive we have discussed this type of topic in class many times, but personally i think that he should be punished in the same way which he killed the prostitutes. This man is very guilty and he'll eventually die in prison so, a sentence to death will just make his death quicker.

butterfly said...

I think that he deserves to die because the fact that he would be still alive can gives people fear.
I do not know about others but I think that he who made the murders of ten women should not be alive.
If he would live, he would be guilty since he killed so many people.

twilightgypsy said...

I personally do not believe in the death penalty because I do not think anyone deserves to die. Even if he killed 10 women and a fetus, he deserves to be in prison for life and rot in prison everyday remembering why he ended up there and what he did. That is worse torture than the death penalty.

Barricade said...

i believe the man should be penalized with the death penalty especially for what he did.. i mean he murdered 10 women.. for crying out loud and i believe he should get the most severe punishment there is and that is death

Optimus Prime said...

The Dude killed 10 women! I think he deserves to be penalized with the death penalty for his actions. This is a frightening incident and he should face the consequences. A pizza man killing 10 people, Damn!

katieannkwok said...

I believe that the man must be sentenced to prison for life due to the 11 murders that he has committed over the 11 years. However, I personally do not believe that he should be put under the death penalty. How can our government state that murder is wrong when they are the ones that are killing others themselves?

Nice Guy said...

I disagree that this man deserved sentence to death for murdering ten women and a fetus. The opponent side argues that by allowing death punishment, people are scared to commit the crime due to the punishment that they will get. However, by giving life in prison, one is given a life to suffer, while death punishment agonizes the criminal for short period of time. Death punishment is sufficient to fear off many people from committing crimes.

cody c said...

I personally believe that the court has evry right to sentence him to death. Certain consequences have been set in place beforehand and if someone violates those rules, then they should be held accountable. And i personally find it hard to believe that one could rehabilitate a man that is so screwed up.

BuMBleBeE said...

I feel that this man should be sentenced to death. HE KILLED 10 PEOPLE AND A FETUS. If anyone deserves the death penalty, it would be this man. Though death might be a cruel and unusual punishment in some cases, you have to take into account the nature of his crime. This man's crimes are so severe and malicious that death is the only option.

ching said...

i believe that because the crime is severe, the man should get some psychological help instead of death. Another death will never equal 11 deaths. A life sentence with constant psychological help would be a better solution. The psychological help could also allow people to better understand criminals.

Anonymous said...

I think the pizza man deserves to be sentenced to death because if he just killed one or two i think it would not risk his life. maybe he will live in the jail but he killed 10 people so i htink it was right for him to die.