Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Man stoned to death in Iran,1,2798859.story

For the first time in years, last week, the Iran allowed stoning someone to death for an adultery. Jafar Kiani commited adultery with Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, and both of them were sentence to daeth by stoning. Under Iran's Islamic Law, a person who commits adultery is punishable by stoning. A man is buried up to waist while a woman is buried up to neck. Then those carrying out the verdict throw stone at the verdict until they die. The international human rights group criticized this punishment as "cruel and barbaric."

I believe the stoning to death for an adultery is not right. One person doesn't deserve this much shame and punshment for an adultery. Although the Islamic law allows the stoning to death, I believe people who commit adultery shouldn't die by stoning, but he/she should have a right to be executed with less pain and less shame. Going back, whether the death penalty is reasonable for any crime should be questioned.


hiloreee said...

Well, stoning is apart of the Islamic Law, and frankly its their custom. If they believe that adultery is such a punishable crime by death stoning, then i think we should not intervene with their punishments. Sure, adultery may be common in OUR society but i personally believe that its not good to do to begin with. However, if this were to happen in the US, people would argue that this death penalty is not suitable, as an eye for an eye doesnt prove anything.

KK said...

I agree with yayprirates. They should follow the law if they used to do like that. They should follow the law in their country

twilightgypsy said...

Are people living in the 1800's? Stoning still exists?! Even if Islamic law states that adultery is punishable by stoning, I don't think it should be enforced. Stoning is obselete and time have changed. Being stoned to death is cruel and the act committed was not even as bad as a crime like murder. These people did not deserve to die!

Eugene Kim said...

This is obviously a violation of human rights. Most importantly, for a man to be stoned to death is extremely both cruel and unusual and the fact that it was a punishment for adultery makes it clear that this was unreasonable. However, because Islamic law allows this, it is difficult to argue it because each country has its own beliefs, and they do not have a Constitution against "cruel and unusual punishment"

gumonyourseat said...

Stoning to death, eh...? I agree that the times have changed. Stoning is indeed a barbaric ritual for any crime. However, the adulterers knew the risk. Yet, they still committed the crime. What they did was totally immoral and if their laws dictate that they die, then they die. The Islamic culture doesn't condone divorces either right? Do they have arranged marriages too? I kinda feel pity for them because I bet they believe they didn't have a choice. So killed them. Sad isn't it....

shawtyy said...

Yes, this is in Iran but stoning is just a cruel and unusual punishment for death. There should be another punishment that can be put to the man for committing adultery. But still, the US has no say in this because it is Iran and the US should respect their laws. The man who committed adultery also knew what he was getting himself into because the law is not new and it has already been taken place in Iran. But what the Us and Iran does agree on is that a person who committed adultery should definitely be punished.

Anonymous said...

It is wrong that a man was stoned to death even though it is Iran. It is true that Iran is a poor country compare to US but it is very cruel that a man was stoned..