Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lawsuit: Farmworkers' Rights Violated

South Jersey city recently fined a farmworkers' group $1,500 for having an immigrant right rally. Now the constitutionality of this fine is being disputed as representatives of the farmworkers claim that the fine is a "user's tax on free speech [which] is unconstitutional". Additionally, the farmworkers claim that the "imposition of these fees will mean that only the wealthy will be afforded the right to speak out on issues".

I completely agree with the farmworkers in that the fine is unconstitutional. Amendment I of the Bill of Rights specifically states that the government cannot establish a law that can prohibit the "right of the people peaceably to assemble, and [their right] to petition the government for a redress of grievances ". And in my opinion, a fine or tax imposed upon a rally is a flagrant attempt to prohibit this right and therefore contradicts the constitution.


Optimus Prime said...

I agree patrick. I think everyone is entilted to say whatever they wish and anything preventing that is a violation of the 1st amendment. It is simply unconstitutional to fine a heavy amount of money like that because people are speaking there mind in an immigration rally. I too agree this being a contradiction to the Constitution. When will people learn that?

Anonymous said...

I also agree that $1,500 fine is way too much for just having an immigrant right rally.