Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Judge Upholds Illinois School's Ban on 'Be Happy, Not Gay' Shirt

Two Neuqua Valley High School students who had been wearing shirts reading "Be happy, Not gay," are banned from wearing them the day after The Day of Silence. This is when people refrain from speaking in order to protest the discrimination against gay people. The Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund is representing Heidi Zamecnik and Alexander Nuxollin a lawsuit that claims Zamecnik's rights were violated last year when she wasn't allowed to wear the shirt in school. They stated tha the girl's rights to free speech were violated.

This is a tough subject because although it is not right to violate peoples freedom of speech, what these kids did was far more serious. I am extremely against the discrimination of homosexuals and I don't believe people should be allowed to use their rights given in the constitution in harmful manners like that one. For this reason, I agree with the Judge's ruling completely.


Eugene Yih said...

I think it is unfair to bann the shirts because even though it is discriminating against gay people they still have the right of expressing whatever they want as long as they are not hurting anyone.

gumonyourseat said...

NOT hurting anyone? I'm sure homosexuals are emotionally hurt by this blatant display of condemnation! Rights are only upheld when the right doesn't infringe upon another's right. In this case, those students did not have the right to decide the sexuality of others. Yea, they have the right to free speech, but this type of free speech is prejudicial. When free speech goes beyond a mere opinion to hurt others, it should be limited. Kudos for the judge who banned it!

courtnaaayyy said...

I think in this case, it must have been a tough decision. The shirt could have hurt many people's feelings, but also people have the freedom of speech. My thoughts on this is that they have the right to speak what they think, but what they did was very inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

I tihnk they should ban the shirt because it is true that it can hurt many people's feeling and that is just not right thing to do.