Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Highschool Students Going to Jail for Skipping School

In Washington, there is a bill named after Rebecca Hedman called Becca Bill. This bill was enforced in 1997 and this bill jails truant youths. For example, Tam is one of hundreds of King County students who have been jailed for missing school. A few months later, Tam missed another court date and got another warrant. He tried hiding from the police but he was caught at a friend's house a few weeks later. Even after all the court appearances and detentions , he keeps skipping school still. He does not understand what is the big deal about ditching school and why the government keeps trying to help this situation by arresting him and not dropping him out of school.
I agree with Tam that punishing students by arresting them would help students. I feel that there should be other not so big-of-a-deal punishments for students that keep on ditching school.


KK said...

yes, the student who is skipping school should be punished but jailing is too much. we can find another way to punish or should prevent it before the student skips the school

Eugene Yih said...

Students that ditches school should definitely be punished but putting them in jail for that is just rediculous. It's not like they killed anybody or robbed anything, all they did was ditch school which I think most of us have done before. It is just totally stupid to have such punishment. We can have other ways of punishing them such as making them pick up trash or serve detention and if they don't come to school then it's really their choice of not wanting to learn.

gumonyourseat said...

This bill is so ridiculous. A kid misses school, and as punishment, the court system makes him miss more school by going to court appearances and even prison. This law is just awful. Why won't the police stop harrassing students and go find real criminals. It's not like missing school for one day hurts anybody.

katieannkwok said...

Ditch school is a common thing that we see in high school. Yes, it is wrong for students to skip classes and they should be punished; however, arresting them is not the answer. There are many other methods that could be used in this problem which may provide fear to the students, and also urge them to go to school as often as they can. For example, our school has a policy stating that if a senior misses more than 10 days of school, they would not be eligible to walk during graduation. I believe this is a proper punishment for those who decide to skip school, and will prevent future students from ditching as well.

Sek-C said...

Students ditching classes is very common in every high school. But I don't think this problem should be taken care of by arresting them. Although this will reduce the number of students ditching, they should find an alternative way to stop them, instead of just arresting them.

Anonymous said...

I believe arresting a student for skipping school is reasonable in some measures. In this case, it is obvious that Tam was intentionally missing his court dates, hiding from the police, and he still kept on ditching school after all the appearances and detentions. It was quite reasonable to arrest Tam but arresting high school students in general - I don't think the government has the right to do that.

cody c said...

Ok let me just say that these policemen... have nothing better to do. if they are able to for someone to search for a kid that ditches school, for an entire week, they are nit picking. Instead the school should try to adjust their program so that Tam is motivated to attend school, instead of jailing him, which is obviously not working.

kate_mcg said...

Government shouldn't be this much involved with the educational life of students. Students are "expected" to be raise and taught to make the right futuristic decisions that include attending school for one. Yes, government should encourage students to attend school and perhaps take a few stabs at it, but ultimately with decisions come repurcusions, whether they're good or bad. Student's future goals should be in complete control of themselves only. If they so decide to not attend school, well then they'll most likely end up on the streets or working at McD's. Life comes with lessons that everyone should experience.

Trinity said...

If this was passed in California, I'm sure the juvenile prison and other places will be overwhelmed, and I would definitely go to prison so many times at the age of 17. There should certainly be punishments for truancies, but this is passing the limit way too much! Rebecca Hedman must had terrible experience or passion regarding it.

samantha said...

putting students in jail for ditching is whatever.. if the person doesnt want to go to school and drop out and do nothing then that should be his problem

ching said...

I believe the that sending a student to jail due to ditching school is ridiculous. Even if ths student excessively ditches school, instead of trying to scare the student into going to school, the student should be reasoned and treated because there could be a serious physcilogical problem would the child. Excessively ditches school meaning, everyday, for 2 years. I agree a severe punishment should be given if the student excessively ditches, however, therapy would be a better choice than a overly harsh place like jail where there is a risk of intensifying the phyclogical problems.

Anonymous said...

This article is ridiculous.. it is wrong that student goes to jail just skipping school.They should get a punishment from school but not from the government. My conclusion is that this article is really ridiculous!!!